
Content Type: Service
Categories: Communication


Evon group chat module likely enables users to create chat rooms or channels, which can be joined by multiple users. Within these chat rooms or group, users can communicate with each other, send messages and share files. Additionally, the module may allow users to create private chats with specific individuals, which can be useful for having one-on-one conversations or discussing sensitive information.

Overall, the Evonsys group chat module appears to be a versatile communication tool that enables users to communicate and collaborate with both individuals and groups of users in real-time.




Evon group chat module likely enables users to create chat rooms or channels, which can be joined by multiple users. Within these chat rooms or group, users can communicate with each other, send messages and share files. Additionally, the module may allow users to create private chats with specific individuals, which can be useful for having one-on-one conversations or discussing sensitive information. 

Overall, the Evonsys group chat module appears to be a versatile communication tool that enables users to communicate and collaborate with both individuals and groups of users in real-time. 

Typical usage scenario 

Refer the documentation snippet from UseMe folder 

Features and limitations 

Supports above 9.20 versions. 


  • Mendix 9.20 and above 

  • Other dependencies: Encryption module 

Known bugs

Few alignments 



Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.20.0
Release Notes: New Release v1.0