Words Highlighter

Content Type: Widget
Categories: Data


This widget helps to highlight words within a larger body of text.

Provide array of search terms and a body of text to highlight.


This widget helps to highlight words within a larger body of text.

Provide array of search terms and a body of text to highlight.


•          Mendix modeler 9.12.4.


Search Word:

Words to be searched in a text.

Text to Highlight:

Text to highlight matches in.

Highlight Class Name:

CSS class name applied to highlighted text.

Active Index:

Specify the match index that should be actively highlighted.

Auto Escape:

Escape characters in search Words which are meaningful in regular expressions.

Case Sensitive:

Search should be case sensitive.

Active Class Name:

The class name to be applied to an active match.


Add the Words Highlighter widget and configure the Search Words and Highlight words

Issues, suggestions and feature requests



Version: 1.1.0
Framework Version: 9.12.4
Release Notes: This widget helps to highlight words within a larger body of text. Provide array of search terms and a body of text to highlight. **Dependencies:** • Mendix modeler 9.12.4. **Documentation:** **General Tab:** Search Word: Words to be searched in a text. Text to Highlight: Text to highlight matches in. **Behaviour Tab:** **Highlight Class Name:** CSS class name applied to highlighted text. **Active Index:** Specify the match index that should be actively highlighted. **Auto Escape**: Escape characters in search Words which are meaningful in regular expressions. **Case Sensitive:** Search should be case sensitive. **Active Class Name:** The class name to be applied to an active match. **Known Bugs:** None ![Screenshot_1](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/23263603/228239834-b7b3bed7-b7e9-4786-b665-5df6be878a91.png) ![Screenshot_2](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/23263603/228239842-8553a287-2087-49c8-afdf-6dfd4a088282.png) ![Screenshot_3](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/23263603/228239864-af8451df-a13d-42e8-a6b4-00fa29886eaa.png) ![Screenshot_4](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/23263603/228239884-df897656-faee-4083-abde-2e0dcb06d48a.png) ![Screenshot_5](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/23263603/228239907-5801f00d-d884-4f06-9406-ad30baee928a.png)
Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.12.4
Release Notes: This widget helps to highlight words within a larger body of text. Provide array of search terms and a body of text to highlight. **Dependencies:** • Mendix modeler 9.12.4. **Documentation:** **General Tab:** Search Word: Words to be searched in a text. Text to Highlight: Text to highlight matches in. **Behaviour Tab:** **Highlight Class Name:** CSS class name applied to highlighted text. **Active Index:** Specify the match index that should be actively highlighted. **Auto Escape**: Escape characters in search Words which are meaningful in regular expressions. **Case Sensitive:** Search should be case sensitive. **Active Class Name:** The class name to be applied to an active match. **Known Bugs:** None