Ultimate Scheduler for Mendix

Content Type: Module
Categories: Scheduling


See it in action in our demo app


Are you drowning in Excel sheets, emails, and telephone calls to stay on top of your workload?

There’s no need!

You can plan the big picture with the Ultimate Scheduler for Mendix. Powered by Bryntum and published & supported by Bizzomate. This ready-to-go Mendix module will allow you to visually plan, carry out, and keep track of projects of any size.

The Ultimate Scheduler will turbocharge your Mendix application and make sure that you can:

  • Organize your workload at a glance;
  • Plan your resources efficiently;
  • Collaborate with your team and accomplish more than before.

All the scheduling essentials you need. Simple to use, but very powerful when required.

Need more info, contact us at licenses@bizzomate.com


Demo urlhttps://products.bizzomate.com/p/scheduler/examples


Please see our documentation for details.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What Mendix versions are supported?

A: We support Mendix 9.12.0 and higher. Download the latest 2.x.x version for Mendix 10 and the latest 1.x.x version for Mendix 9. The latest 1.x.x and 2.x.x versions will have feature parity.

Q: I want to know more about pricing or receive more information. Whom should I contact?

A: Contact us via licenses@bizzomate.com

Q: I've encountered an issue with this widget. Whom should I contact? 

A: Contact us via modules-support@bizzomate.com

Q: I want to test this widget. How can I do that? 

A: The Ultimate Scheduler for Mendix works locally without a license key, when you are on a cloud environment or server add the license key to the scheduler view within properties.


Version: 2.5.0
Framework Version: 9.24.0
Release Notes: IMPORTANT!! WHEN UPGRADING: When upgrading please read our upgrade guide: https://bizzomate.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Docs/pages/2664890380/1.7+Upgrade+guide New Features: - Drag and Drop Support: You can now place content in a separate widget anywhere on your page and drag it onto a target scheduler to create events. - Widget Event Filter Support: This new feature allows you to define one or more custom filters to highlight or filter out events based on the event name, event ID, and/or up to six additional custom definable fields (business data). - Dependencies (Read only): If a dependency is set between two events, a small arrow will be displayed between them. - Custom CSS Class for Rows: We have added the option to set a custom CSS class on the entire row. Additionally, the CSS class for resources has been changed to the top-level cell element for easier styling. - Dynamic Event Menu Items: Event menu items can now be hidden or shown dynamically using an expression. - Scheduler Height Option: You can now easily set the height of the scheduler using a percentage or a specific number of pixels. - Custom javascript actions that allow you to control the scheduler from anywhere on the page (handle today, change zoom and change shift) - Improved Support for Multiple Schedulers on the same page. - We optimized the widget forms and descriptions - Experimental Feature: Sync infinite scroll schedulers, e.g. the scrollbars of the timeline will be kept in sync (has known issues). Bug Fixes: - We fixed an issue where saving the column filters would not work properly. - We fixed an issue where resources were not being properly refreshed.
Version: 2.4.2
Framework Version: 10.0.0
Release Notes: 2.4.2 is for Mendix 10 and has feature parity with 1.9.2 which is for Mendix 9.24.0 < 9.x.x - Fixed view skip attribute is now properly passed down
Version: 2.4.1
Framework Version: 10.0.0
Release Notes: 2.4.1 is for Mendix 10 and has feature parity with 1.9.1 which is for Mendix 9.24.0 < 9.x.x - Fixed an event creation bug introduced in the last version - Fixed an issue relating to the new styling (visible width and a related infinite scroll issue)
Version: 2.4.0
Framework Version: 10.0.0
Release Notes: 2.4.0 is for Mendix 10 and has feature parity with 1.9.0 which is for Mendix 9.12.0 < 9.x.x - We added columns with support for sorting, filtering, and a toggleable advanced widget filter panel. - Our infinite timeline is now zoomable by using Ctrl + scroll. - We added an event style attribute. This allows you to override the event styling programmatically (like with a color picker). - We added on event select/deselect actions, which allow you to track what the user has selected in Mendix or perform an action on selection. - We improved the performance for specific scenarios. - Improved CSS support for multi product scenarios (Gantt + Scheduler) - Fixed a missing CSS issue - Fixed view skip attribute of views. - Fixed an edge case for the license check
Version: 2.3.2
Framework Version: 10.0.0
Release Notes: 2.3.2 is for Mendix 10 and has feature parity with 1.8.2 which is for Mendix 9.12.0 < 9.x.x Release notes: - Fixed an issue where events could no longer be created if the context object was refreshed
Version: 2.3.1
Framework Version: 10.0.0
Release Notes: 2.3.1 is for Mendix 10 and has feature parity with 1.8.1 which is for Mendix 9.12.0 < 9.x.x Release notes: - Fixed an issue where you can no longer drag create events fter specific conditions - Fixed an issue where events would display at the wrong time if rollbacked multiple times
Version: 2.3.0
Framework Version: 10.0.0
Release Notes: 2.3.0 is for Mendix 10 and has feature parity with 1.8.0 which is for Mendix 9.12.0 < 9.x.x Release notes: - Performance has been significantly enhanced for scenarios involving a large number of events. - The right-click menu actions will now apply to all selected events only if you hold down the Ctrl (Windows) or Cmd (Mac) key while right-clicking an event. - We've introduced a date-rounding feature for the 'Today' button when using infinite scrolling. For example, you could make the view snap to the beginning of the week. - A bug has been fixed that affected the refresh behavior when using Mendix widgets within events for Mendix version 10 and above.
Version: 2.2.0
Framework Version: 10.0.0
Release Notes: 2.2.0 is for Mendix 10 and has feature parity with 1.7.0 which is for Mendix 9.12.0 < 9.x.x Release notes: - Added support for Mendix widgets in events! Now you can place things like a button, an image, similar to any other part of your Mendix application straight in your events, no HTML required! - Modified infinite scroll start date to align properly with the start date set on the context object
Version: 2.1.0
Framework Version: 10.0.0
Release Notes: - Feature: Infinite scroll | When infinite scroll is enabled you can scroll to the left and right of the viewport freely. - Feature: Highlight & scroll to event | Highlight or scroll to an event by event id or GUID. - Feature: Custom time axis captions and support for time axis offsets (so you can create things like a fiscal year that starts on september with a caption like "FY: 2023") - Feature: Multi select right click menu support | when you select multiple events and then perform a right click action it will now be applied to all events that are selected. - Bugfix: Tooltips with Mendix widgets that use event data now properly refresh when edited from outside the scheduler. - Removed community commons requirement - Various tweaks
Version: 2.0.0
Framework Version: 10.0.0
Release Notes: We have added support for Mendix 10 This release has feature parity with version 1.5.2.