Mortgage Calculator

Content Type: Module


A mortgage calculator allows you to determine the monthly payment that corresponds to a particular loan amount or house price. Using this tool, you can accurately calculate the monthly mortgage payment based on the relevant factors, such as the loan term, interest rate, and loan amount. The calculator ensures that you get an accurate estimate of your monthly mortgage payment, which is crucial information for effective financial planning. 



A mortgage calculator allows you to determine the monthly payment that corresponds to a particular loan amount or house price. Using this tool, you can accurately calculate the monthly mortgage payment based on the relevant factors, such as the loan term, interest rate, and loan amount. The calculator ensures that you get an accurate estimate of your monthly mortgage payment, which is crucial information for effective financial planning.


Studio Pro Version - 9.12.5


Add the "Mortgage_OverView" page in the navigation menu.


Screenshot 2023-03-03 195723

Screenshot 2023-03-16 132531


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.12.5
Release Notes: **Mortgage Calculator** **Description** A mortgage calculator allows you to determine the monthly payment that corresponds to a particular loan amount or house price. Using this tool, you can accurately calculate the monthly mortgage payment based on the relevant factors, such as the loan term, interest rate, and loan amount. The calculator ensures that you get an accurate estimate of your monthly mortgage payment, which is crucial information for effective financial planning. **Dependencies** Studio Pro Version - 9.12.5 **Configuration** Add the "Mortgage_OverView" page in the navigation menu. **Screenshots** ![Screenshot 2023-03-03 195723]( ![Screenshot 2023-03-16 132531](