
Content Type: Module


The following features can be retrieved with the aid of this module utilising the Spotify API.



The following features can be retrieved with the aid of this module utilising the Spotify API: Albums Playlists Songs Tracks


The following features can be retrieved with the aid of this module utilizing the Spotify API:

  • Albums
  • Playlists
  • Songs Tracks



  • Create an account on the API Layer ( subscribe to the Spotify API
    category from the API Layer marketplace (
  • Collect the API Key for your API Layer account.
  • Add the API Key value to the constant ‘CONST_SpotifyAPIKey’ in the module.
  • Add the ‘Music_NewEdit’ to the navigation.
  • Key in the name of singer(or) Artist (or) Movie Name(or) Music Director to retrieve list of Albums, Playlists & Songs Tracks as requested.
  • Please refer the Example Folder for the info to retrieve list of Albums, Playlists, Songs_Tracks.


Screenshot of REST Call Made for Album Search:

image image

Albums List


Playlists List


Song Tracks



Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.12.4
Release Notes: # Spotify The following features can be retrieved with the aid of this module utilising the Spotify API: Albums Playlists Songs Tracks ## Description: The following features can be retrieved with the aid of this module utilizing the Spotify API: - Albums - Playlists - Songs Tracks ## Dependencies: - Mendix Modeler 9.12.4 - API Layer ( API Key ## Configuration: - Create an account on the API Layer ( subscribe to the Spotify API category from the API Layer marketplace ( - Collect the API Key for your API Layer account. - Add the API Key value to the constant ‘CONST_SpotifyAPIKey’ in the module. - Add the ‘Music_NewEdit’ to the navigation. - Key in the name of singer(or) Artist (or) Movie Name(or) Music Director to retrieve list of Albums, Playlists & Songs Tracks as requested. - Please refer the Example Folder for the info to retrieve list of Albums, Playlists, Songs_Tracks. ## Screenshots: ## Screenshot of REST Call Made for Album Search: ![image]( ![image]( ## Albums List ![image]( ## Playlists List ![image]( ## Song Tracks ![image](