MiniSurvey Extension - Select active mini survey for userrole

Content Type: Module


With MiniSurveys in beta, I added this little tweak to be able to activate / inactivate mini surveys without deploying your app.

This module is an extension to the Mendix Product Insights / Mini Surveys module and is intended to inspire you rather than provide you with a complete solution. It is refered to in my blog on minisurveys on the Mendix Medium channel. 




This is an addon to product insights / mini surveys that allows you to toggle mini-surveys from active to inactive and show to specific roles. 

Typical usage scenario

Activate / Inactivate surveys and assign them to specific roles.

Features and limitations

[Describe the features / limitations of your content]

Dependencies [optional]

  • Product Insights / Mini Surveys


Follow the ProductInsights MiniSurveys instructions.

Then replace the datasource nanoflow with your tweaked copy of DS_ShowSurvey_OnLoading from this extension module. 

Configuration [optional]

Add SNP_MiniSurvey to your administrators navigation and manage from this page with MiniSurveys should be activated/deactivated and for which userrole they should be shown.


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.19.0
Release Notes: Version 1