
Content Type: Widget
Categories: Mobile


Signature Widget will be on Landscape view when device is inĀ Portrait mode.


Signature Widget will be on Landscape view when device is in Portrait mode.


Effortlessly sign by using our canvas feature that saves your signature as a secure base64 string.

Personalize your experience by customizing button captions and colors to match your brand.

seamless signature creation even when using your mobile device in portrait mode.

AutoClear Canvas Option that erases previous signatures with each new signature.


Add a Widget to Contextentity: To enhance your user experience, add a widget to Contextentity. This allows for a more interactive interface for your users, making it easier for them to engage with your application.

Unlimited String Attribute for Signature: To ensure that your users have enough space to enter their signature, configure the "Signature" with an unlimited string attribute. This will provide ample space for the user to enter their signature without any limitations.

On Submit Action Configuration: Configure your application to perform the necessary actions when the user submits their information. This will ensure that the data entered by the user is processed and stored correctly.

On Empty Action Configuration: In order to handle cases where the user leaves a field empty, it's important to configure the application to perform the necessary actions. This will prevent errors and ensure that all required fields are filled before submission.


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.12.4
Release Notes: **NATIVELANDSCAPESIGNATURE** Signature Widget will be on Landscape view When device is in Potrait mode. **FEATURES** Effortlessly sign by using our canvas feature that saves your signature as a secure base64 string. Personalize your experience by customizing button captions and colors to match your brand. seamless signature creation even when using your mobile device in portrait mode. AutoClear Canvas Option that erases previous signatures with each new signature. **USAGE** Add a Widget to Contextentity: To enhance your user experience, add a widget to Contextentity. This allows for a more interactive interface for your users, making it easier for them to engage with your application. Unlimited String Attribute for Signature: To ensure that your users have enough space to enter their signature, configure the "Signature" with an unlimited string attribute. This will provide ample space for the user to enter their signature without any limitations. On Submit Action Configuration: Configure your application to perform the necessary actions when the user submits their information. This will ensure that the data entered by the user is processed and stored correctly. On Empty Action Configuration: In order to handle cases where the user leaves a field empty, it's important to configure the application to perform the necessary actions. This will prevent errors and ensure that all required fields are filled before submission.