Image Gallery

Content Type: Widget
Categories: User Interface


Image Gallery widget allows to display series of images with navigation and zoom feature.



Image Gallery widget allows to display series of images with navigation and zoom features.

Typical usage scenario

Widget can be used when we need to display series of images in a page or post.

Features and limitations

  • Dynamic list of image objects can be passed as a source
  • Visible images can be easily managed
  • Remaining images count can be displayed besides count can be ignored by increasing visible images to maximum
  • Transition speed can be manually changed
  • Allows navigation, zooming and rotation of images


  • 8.18.12


  • In General tab, Select the data source for list of objects (Entity must be generalized with System.Image)
  • Input number of images to be visible and font size of the remaining count
  • Enable loop option to loop images during navigation
  • In Styles and Animation tab, choose your preferred width, height of the visible images
  • Input Transition Speed in milliseconds


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 8.18.12
Release Notes: **Full Changelog**: