
Content Type: Module
Categories: Scheduling


Scheduling by Mendix helps you create user-friendly schedules for any type of planning. The easily configurable solution helps you to shows a clear visual attractive schedule. The choice between multiple viewing options gives you the best overview suited for your planning needs.  We added more features like an information hover over the planned event for some more information. 



Scheduling by Mendix helps you create clear visual schedules for any type of planning. The easily configurable solution helps to create any kind of schedule. Choose between different viewing options like Day, Two days, Week and more. Hover over the planned item for more in-depth details. 

Typical usage scenario

Creating schedules for any type of resource or event that are not only visual appealing, but also user-friendly easy to use. 

Features and limitations

  • At-a-glance visibility of schedules and workload, set out in a visually pleasing manner via horizontal tram-lines
  • Customizable display and tooltip hover support for all your events
  • Intuitive drag-and-drop functionality inside schedules, even between different resources
  • Daily, weekly, monthly and yearly views that automatically adjust how events are displayed
  • Complete functional customizability - determine what microflow gets executed whenever the user does anything
  • Easy to implement with a helpful example module and pre-built ‘baseline’ implementation you can copy and modify to suit your needs


  • Mendix Modeler 9.18.4
  • Community Commons, if you make use of the module.
  • FakeData module (for now, this needs to be removed)


  • Import the module to your app.
  • To hook it up, simply link a button/navigation link to the “ACT_View_OpenSchedulingPage” microflow under the‘Use me’ folder.
  • If you want to use existing data as resources/groups, create 1-1 associations from their entities to Resource/Group and make sure they are populated.
  • For more detail or guidance on building your own framework around the widget from scratch, see the ‘_READ ME’ folder.


In the widget, under the UI tab, set your desired hour of the day for the view to start, as well as the working hours for the day.

Known bugs

  • When the working hours option is enabled - the red filter that indicates viewable times outside working hours - all days on the weekly view are tinted red as if they are outside working hours.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: Can I also just use the custom widget for my scheduling solution?
  • A: Yes! The widget stands by itself and can be used entirely on its own. The module is only there as an explanation and an example of a possible way to implement the widget. You can even delete it once you have learnt everything you want to from it, the widget will keep working!
  • Q: I just downloaded this module, but I have no idea what to do or where to start. Help!
  • A: Check out the ‘_READ ME’ folder inside the module, which will guide you step by step to incorporating the module into your app in a manner that best suits your needs. Also check out the ‘Use me’ folder for the ACT_View_OpenschedulingPage microflow, which opens the scheduling page you can use. Hook it up to a navigation link and voila!
  • Q: Do I need to group my resources under groupings?
  • A: No not at all! The widget itself makes no use of the groupings, and it is merely included to illustrate how you could subgroup large lists of resources if you so desire. If you don’t want it, either create a single group that you connect all of your resources to, or remove the group object entirely and adjust your data source microflows to fit.
  • Q: This is very nice and all, but when a user does [ACTION], I need to execute [FUNCTIONALITY] in my app based on what he did.
  • A: Every triggered action from the widget is completely configurable. You can find which microflows get called by the widget in which situations opening the widget and browsing through the tabs. Simply modify the appropriate microflow to suit your needs!
  • Q: There is a ‘Action’ attribute on the view entity, what is it for?
  • A: That attribute is a string required by the widget to store a JSON string describing whatever change the user is attempting to make. This allows all actual changes to the data to be made outside the widget, giving the developer full control over things like validation and database commits.




Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.18.4
Release Notes: initial (re)release