Content Type: Module


The major usage of this module is to create a temporary mail instantly and access the mailbox inside your mendix application.




The major usage of this module is to create a temporary mail instantly and access the mailbox inside your mendix application. image


• Studio pro version 9.12.0


Use the above link to generate key for the API and use the key inside the module to get the response.


• Import the module TEMP EMAIL from the mendix marketplace.

• Call the microflow ACT_GenerateTempEmailAddress to create the temporary email address.

• ACT_GetInboxMessages microflow is used to get inbox messages of the Temporary email id.

• Copy the API key generated created and paste in the Rapid_ApiKey constant.

• Check the Example page under examples folder on how the API is used.


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.12.0
Release Notes: # TEMP EMAIL ### Objective The major usage of this module is to create a temporary mail instantly and access the mailbox inside your mendix application. Dependencies ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/126104423/221533521-3b9a980a-719c-4fed-9ff8-046b14d81cfa.png) • Studio pro version 9.12.0 • https://rapidapi.com/calvinloveland335703-0p6BxLYIH8f/api/temp-mail44 Use the above link to generate key for the API and use the key inside the module to get the response. ### Configuration • Import the module TEMP EMAIL from the mendix marketplace. • Call the microflow ACT_GenerateTempEmailAddress to create the temporary email address. • ACT_GetInboxMessages microflow is used to get inbox messages of the Temporary email id. • Copy the API key generated created and paste in the Rapid_ApiKey constant. • Check the Example page under examples folder on how the API is used.