
Content Type: Module
Categories: Connectors


what3words connector that provides microflows to convert to/from what3words addresses.

what3words provides a global addressing systems by dividing the world into 3 metre squares and giving each square a unique combination of three words.  Making it easy to find and share exact locations.

About what3words


Demo urlhttps://what3words-sandbox.mxapps.io


what3words connector that provides microflows to convert to/from what3words addresses.

what3words provides a global addressing systems by dividing the world into 3 metre squares and giving each square a unique combination of three words.  Making it easy to find and share exact locations.

About what3words

Typical usage scenario

Use to provide enhanced location support within your applications through what3words addresses

Features and limitations

Microflows to convert what3words to/from Coordinates (what3words) or Position (Nanoflow commons) objects.  The what3words REST API returns a Coordinates object with a Latitude and Longitude, Mendix already includes however a Position object used in Nanoflow commons for address mapping, so microflows have been provided for both object types.

  • CoordinatesToW3Ws – Takes a Coordinate parameter and returns a what3words address string
  • PositionToW3Ws – Takes a Position parameter and returns a what3words address string
  • W3WsToCoordinates – Takes a what3words address string and returns a Coordinate object with Latitude and Longitude
  • W3WsToPosition – Takes a what3words address string and returns a Position object with Latitude and Longitude

The W3Ws object returned from the underlying REST API also includes the Country, Nearest Place, Local Language and Map details, along with the co-ordinates of the 3m square the W3Ws address references.  This data can be used to extend the included microflows to provide additional information as required.


  • Baseline version built on 9.22.x
  • No other dependencies


You will need to obtain and configure a what3words API key.  An API key can be obtained free of charge for development at the link below


Once you have your API key, navigate to W3Ws > CHANGE_ME and set your API key in the constant W3WsAPIKey


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.22.0
Release Notes: Initial release - Provides microflows to convert to/from what3words addresses using either Position (Nanoflow commons) or Coordinatates (w3ws) objects. Also includes exported image collection of PNG and SVG what3words icons and logos.