
Content Type: Industry Template


An eTeller app is used by bank branch employees to support customers that visit the branch. The app is often integrated with the core banking system and 3rd party services. A Teller is the bank employee that directly supports and engages visiting customers. Activities include: deposit, withdrawals, payments, credit / debit card actions, account balance inquiries.

The eTeller app demonstrates how Mendix facilitates a unified and streamlined teller process that can easily integrate with any external and internal service that a bank might use, and shows how the Mendix platform can be extended to perform business critical functions.

Key capabilities:

  • Multitenant setup supports multiple branches with assigned tellers and users
  • Branch managers have full control over the teller station activation and designation
  • Detailing audit trail logging of all activities that are performed through the eTeller app to ensure compliance and risk management needs
  • Teller users have a clear and user-friendly interface to support customers in their daily banking activities 
  • Notifications and alerts are implemented to quickly resolve any discrepancies or impediments, like cash shortages or teller limits
  • The branch manager can generate detailed Reporting on the teller activities in their branch




The eTeller app is a tool that supports the everyday activities of a teller user and branch manager at a bank branch. It's a user-friendly app that unifies and optimizes any of the processes that these employees have to deal with on a day-to-day basis. The app supports the following activities:

  • Activating teller stations (branch manager)
  • Assigning teller users to teller stations (branch manager)
  • Set branch and station limits (branch manager)
  • Start of day balancing (teller user)
  • Authenticate customers (teller user)
  • Perform withdrawals and deposits (teller user)
  • Generate cheques (teller user)
  • Block cards (teller user)
  • Update / replenish cash drawer (teller user)
  • Alert branch manager (teller user)
  • Resolve discrepancies (branch manager)
  • End of day activities (teller user and branch manager)
  • Reporting (branch manager)
  • Supports multiple currencies

Features and limitations

MFA and Customer Authentication are currently mocked. You should remove this in your own implementation and replace it with respectively your own MFA provider and a card reader / card authentication system. When logging in as a teller user or branch manager, you can just fill out any code and it will authenticate you.

Some of the reports that are generated by the branch manager contain mocked up data.

In a real world scenario, the eTeller app would be integrated with a core banking system to get account data, process transactions, block cards etc. You can easily integrate eTeller with any core system that you might have running at your bank. 


Mendix Studio Pro 9.18.2 or later 


Open the app in Mendix Studio Pro 9.18.2 or later 

The app uses Advanced Audit Trail to log every activity that's performed through the app. eTeller will work without the advanced audit trail API keys, but if you would like to have full access to the capabilities of this module, you can request access here.


Demo Data 
Master data and demo data will be generated in the after-startup flow. If you want to reset the demo data then login as an MxAdmin, click on the demo data link on the dashboard and then click on Reset Demo Data.  

If you want to remove the demo data functionality from your project, please take the following steps: 

  • Delete the module DemoData_JSON 
  • Delete the folder DemoData in the Loan module 
  • Remove the link to DemoData_Overview from the Admin dashboard 
  • Update security 
  • Replace or remove the after start-up microflow 





Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.18.2
Release Notes: Initial release