String Stream

Content Type: Module


Up to 100 times faster, this module can amazingly improve the performance of your logic if you’re handling long strings in a lot of iteration.
This module implements a stream in memory that can be appended and exported to a string or a file.

You may face the long string challenge in a lot situation like with Anychart because you build a large data JSON string with a lot of data (million’s), or because you want to build and export a large text file.

All credits go to Adrian Preston for his fantastic work described in the following blog posts in-mendix-how-long-is-a-string and (


Demo url


Up to 100 times faster, this module can amazingly improve the performance of your logic if you’re handling long strings in a lot of iteration.
This module implements a stream in memory that can be appended and exported to a string or a file.

All credits go to Adrian Preston for his fantastic work described in the following blog posts in-mendix-how-long-is-a-string and (

Some results metrics

  • 300x  faster for 1 million iterations and   12 millions chars
  • 191x       “           500k             “                      6                  “
  • 20x         “           100k             “                      1.2               “
  • 4x           “           10k               “                       120k           “


Typical usage scenario

You may face the long string challenge in a lot situation like with Anychart because you build a large data JSON string with a lot of data (million’s), or because you want to build and export a large text file.

Features and limitations





Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.19.0
Release Notes: Initial release