Tesseract OCR

Content Type: Module
Categories: Tracing


The Tesseract OCR is used to extract text from image using tesseract.js library which is an open source library. It supports multiple languages with higher accuracy.


The Tesseract OCR is used to extract text from image using tesseract.js library which is an open source library. 
It supports multiple languages with higher accuracy.

Prequisites :
Community commons

1) Use 'SUB_GetBase64Image' to convert image to base64 where base64 java action is used.
2) Select Load Language and Initialize Language in 'JS_TesseractOCR' javascript action

Result :

Fetch text from image as string type

Supported File:
1. JPG
2. PNG
3. GIF
4. PNM

Features :
1) It supports multiple languages. Please check HERE for supported languages.
2) The accuracy is pretty high with normal fonts and clear background 

Accuracy will be low  with noisy backgrounds and custom scripted fonts.


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 8.18.22
Release Notes: The Tesseract OCR is used to extract text from image using tesseract.js library which is an open source library. It supports multiple languages with higher accuracy.