Smarty Connector

Content Type: Module
Categories: Connectors


The Smarty Connector allows Mendix application users to validate and standardize addresses, and enable address auto-complete features. At Entidad, we leverage the Smarty connector to send emergency aid or relief payments to farmworker families in need. We collect and verify farmworker addresses to ensure we send emergency aid to the appropriate recipients.



The Smarty Connector allows Mendix application users to validate and standardize addresses, and enable address auto-complete features. At Entidad, we leverage the Smarty connector to send emergency aid or relief payments to farmworker families in need. We collect and verify farmworker addresses to ensure we send emergency aid to the appropriate recipients.

Typical usage scenario

The Smarty connector is beneficial to any developers creating apps that require address intake and verification.

Features and limitations

  • Enable address typeahead features (US Address Autocomplete, Pro Edition)
  • Verify US street or mailing addresses (US Address Verification, Core Edition)
  • Determine USPS address record type code
  • Collect demographic information stored in Smarty’s database
  • Smarty has a subscription-based model with tiered pricing plans.
  • International (i.e. non-U.S.) address validation requires a separate Smarty license



  1. From within Mendix Studio Pro, navigate to the Mendix Marketplace (shopping cart icon)
  2. Download the Smarty Connector module from the Mendix Marketplace into your application
  3. Map the application’s roles to the module’s roles
  4. Explore the demo implementations by navigating to page Connector_Smarty/MainMenu as an Administrator user
  • You’ll first need to set the API key in the Credentials configuration page


  • Requires specification of a valid Smarty API key

Known bugs

  • None


Version: 3.2.0
Framework Version: 9.12.5
Release Notes: Release version 3.2.0 - Add _ID attribute to smartyCredential entity, it can be used to retrieve a specific credential through its identifier (Credential_GetById) - Remove administrator access to smartyCredential as all view/edits should go via the credentialHelper
Version: 3.1.1
Framework Version: 9.12.5
Release Notes: Release version 3.1.1 - Change log messages in error handler on REST API call to log the input parameters/keywords
Version: 3.1.0
Framework Version: 9.12.5
Release Notes: Release version 3.1.0 - Added suggestionCount to smartyHelper, value is set after calling the AutoCompletePro API
Version: 3.0.1
Framework Version: 9.12.5
Release Notes: Release version 3.0.1 - Add delivery_line_2 to the singleAddress entity, JSON and import mapping
Version: 3.0.0
Framework Version: 9.12.5
Release Notes: Change to version 3.0.0 - Simplify the AutoComplete demo flow -> it no longer calls the SingleAddress API (when no suggestions are found) this should be handled in the implementation project - Add constant for API Timeout (default 5 sec) - Change import mappings to directly set the association between the suggestion/singleAddress response and the helper entity, this requries the helper entity to be passed into the API microflows - Change the logic on select -> first handle the multiple entries flow if there are no multiple entries continue with the SingleAddress API flow
Version: 2.2.1
Framework Version: 9.12.5
Release Notes: Release version 2.2.1 (bug fix) - Change AddressAutoComplete logic; add a retrieve on previous selection (smartyResponseSingleAddressList) and remove before getting new results. To prevent the Select microflow from getting the address details of an old selection
Version: 2.2.0
Framework Version: 9.12.5
Release Notes: Release version 2.2.0 - Added attribute dpv_no_stat to the API JSON response, mapping and NPE smartyResponseSingleAddress (Indicates that a delivery point is listed as "no-stat" by the USPS. Technically, that means the USPS is temporarily declaring the address undeliverable. )
Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.12.5
Release Notes: Connector is now managed in its own project repo Smarty (Mendix Studio Pro v9.12.5)