Teamcenter Connector Toolbox Samples

Content Type: Module
Categories: Utility


This module is a community module, it’s a set of microflows wrapping up the standard “Teamcenter Connector” to accelerate implementation and extend the available activities. Be aware that you still need to understand the key concepts of the connector like “Object Mapping” in particular, but also “Operation Mapping” that you can use or bypass thanks to this toolbox.

Since it’s hard to have generic tools, some microflows can be used as is, and some other are more samples that are meant to be duplicated and adapted to your own data models. Everything is microflow, feel free to duplicate and adapt because it’s faster to start with a model, especially with the standard connector that requires a lot of tricky and boring entity manipulations before and after each calls.

Key features : activities in a single call for the basics (create and find items, open BOM, etc...), download datasets as document or image and without duplication, Object Casting, Call a Tc Service with JSON at input or output (no OperationMapping), transform JSON with variable keys to an array, AutoLogin, ShowsyslogFilePath, PreparePropertyUpdate, Worflow Perform Task

New Tc Services implemented : GetChildren, LoadObject, HomeFolder, Open BOP, Classification, Spatial Search, PLMXML export

Name of the module is : TcNBD


Super good news, starting v3 of this module, compatible with TcConnector v2406, there is no more modification of the standard  TcConnector required !




This module is a set of microflows wrapping up the standard “Teamcenter Connector” to simplify and extend the available activities. Some tools can be used as is, some other can be duplicated and adapted to your datamodels. Everything is microflow, feel free to duplicate and adapt because it’s faster to start with a model, especially with the standard connector that requires a lot of tricky and boring entity manipulations before and after each calls.



Typical usage scenario

Accelerate and extend the use of the standard Teamcenter Connector.



Features and limitations

Folder and Features :


  • Single Call activities, with simple parameters
  • allowing you to start with a model because the standard connector requires a lot of tricky and boring entity manipulations before and after each calls
  • Basics
  • Item_New
  • Update properties
  • ItemRevSearchOne
  • ItemRevSearchList
  • WorkspaceObjectSearch
  • MyItem template
  • a set of microflow ready to duplicate 
  • guidance to adapt to a custom Item types
  • Change Mgmt
  • BOM
  • ItemRevision_OpenBomWindowNoVariant 
  • Bomline_ExpandOneLevel
  • Navigation and Relations
  • ModelObject_ExpandGRM
  • ModelObject_getChildren
  • ModelObject_WhereReferenced
  • Workflow
  • Initiate microflow
  • Perform snippet for DoTask, SelectSignoff, PerformSignoff
  • Object Mapping
  • This concept comes from the TcConnector. The Toolbox just offers a central constants for object mapping.
  • Object Casting
  • While Object Mapping concept ensures that the objects are loaded in a given type (like RequirementRevision, DesignRevision), the responses lists can be a generalization like ItemRevision mixing objects of the many subtypes. Because of this, implementing the TcConnector connector leads you to intensively use object casting. This toolbox offers some ready to use microflows for common types, and encourage you to extend it. For a given type you will find a pair of microflows, one to cast a single object, the second one to cast a list of object.
  • File Management
  • download dataset files as document or as image. Avoid File duplication by checking UIDs (see readme to modify the standard TcConnector domain model),
  • Teamcenter services calls
  • Call a Tc Service with JSON at input or output, because sometimes OperationMapping (TcConnector concept) is making things more complex tha it should
  • transform JSON with variable keys to an array. Sometimes Teamcenter answers with a JSON where the key is a variable, which is not supported by Mendix. This utility transform the Json objects to an array.
  • Autologin
  • AutoLogin : Login if there is no active session. expect user/password to be passed as argument, it doesn’t have to be prompted to the user, it can be stored in DB.
  • AutoLogin_ServiceUser : offers capability to authenticate with hard coded user/password


New Tc Services implemented

  • GetChildren,
  • LoadObject,
  • HomeFolder,
  • Folder navigation
  • Open BOP,
  • Classification,
  • Spatial Search,
  • PLMXML export
  • TC project (Get, select)
  • Get preferences
  • Run in microflows in TaskQueues

Dependencies [optional]

  • MX v9.2.0
  • Teamcenter Connector v3.5.0




v3+ : no installation instruction anymore !

v1 and v2 : Read and apply instructions in the readme. Some modification need to be done in the domain model of the standard module “Teamcenter Connector”, and will need to be done again after every update of the standard module.






Known bugs 






Version: 3.0.5
Framework Version: 10.12.0
Release Notes: Add SearchWithPagination_PerformCount, can be use to make charts and progress bars
Version: 3.0.4
Framework Version: 10.12.0
Release Notes: fix typos
Version: 3.0.3
Framework Version: 10.12.0
Release Notes: Implement an example of saved Search with pagination
Version: 3.0.2
Framework Version: 10.12.0
Release Notes: Improve Dataset upload logic to set DatasetUID and ImanfileID Add the Creation of WorkspaceObject
Version: 3.0.1
Framework Version: 10.12.0
Release Notes: Fix GetClassification microflow
Version: 3.0.0
Framework Version: 10.12.0
Release Notes: Breaking Change : compatibility with TcConnector v2406 Good new : remove of the readme, you don't need to modify the standard TcConnecor anymore ! association "bl_revision", "top_line" and "revision_rule" are now standard (similar to v1.x of the toolbox. compared to v2 of the toolbax, the suffix __TcNBD was removed) For Documents and Images rename DatasetUID to datasetUID rename imanfileUID to imanFileID ImageFromTc is now a specialisation of TcConnector.Image
Version: 2.0.0
Framework Version: 9.18.2
Release Notes: To avoid conflicts with the new Teamcenter Connector Extension, the additional associations are renamed with a suffix "__TcNBD" (with double underscore). top_line__TcNBD : BOMWindow 1------>1 BOMLine revision_rule__TcNBD : BOMWindow 1------>1 RevisionRule bl_revision__TcNBD : BOMLine 1------>1 ItemRevision
Version: 1.5.3
Framework Version: 9.18.2
Release Notes: Fix WhereReferenced Add RefreshObject to force the refresh of TC server cache after an "updateProperties"
Version: 1.5.2
Framework Version: 9.18.2
Release Notes: Solve datagrid parameters causing errors after Mx10 update. Styling of Workflow task pages
Version: 1.5.1
Framework Version: 9.18.2
Release Notes: PLMXML export microflow now downloads and associates the teamcenter log file to the plmxml object