
Content Type: Widget
Categories: Mobile


Tap into the geolocation data from the native PhoneGap functionality on your device.



The Geolocation widget enables PhoneGap native geolocation functionality within your Mendix mobile application. This is a widget that will be functional from Mendix 7.13.1.


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Place the widget in a dataview where you want the button to be placed. Make sure this form is reachable from a mobile application.



The label text that is shown on the button.


An optional class to be placed directly on the button dom node.

Data source

Latitude Attribute

The attribute on the dataview object where the latitude should be set to.

Longitude Attribute

The attribute on the dataview object where the longitude should be set to.


On change microflow

An optional microflow that will be triggered once the location has been retrieved. It is advised to use this at least with a Refresh in client call, to make sure the UI is updated correctly.

On change nanoflow

An optional nanoflow that will be triggered once the location has been retrieved. It is advised to use this at least with a Refresh in client call, to make sure the UI is updated correctly.


Version: 3.1.1
Framework Version: 7.13.1
Release Notes: Fix documentation URL
Version: 3.1.0
Framework Version: 7.13.1
Release Notes: - The widget can now also be run offline. - Adding support to call a nanoflow after the lookup of the geo location