Device Status Code Manager

Content Type: Solution


Lifecycle Management of Diagnostic Trouble Code Data

Manage DTCs – Diagnostic Trouble Codes – and related information like detection, measures, translations etc. via a single, cloud based repository. 

Leverage libraries for faults, detection modes, impacts or corrective measures. 

Manage different views on the DTC data per stakeholder group – like Service Technician, Customer etc.

Publish the data to relevant process scenarios – from Engineering to Operations. Enable DTC data exchange across the lifecycle.



Cross lifecycle Data Management of DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODES centrally via Cloud Services - integrated to your Operations. 

P&PM´s DEVICE STATUS CODE MANAGER enables customers to manage Diagnostic Trouble Code data across the lifecycle and share it with relevant stakeholders:

  • Centralized management of Diagnostic Trouble Codes and related data across the lifecycle
  • Easy exchange of data – within the company but also with suppliers, partners and customers breaking today´s information silos

Complexity and Relevancy of Diagnostic Trouble Codes significantly increases: The more functions are implemented via embedded software, the more codes are needed to steer the interaction of products with end users, service technicians etc. - also in case of faults.

Additional complexity results from the increasing amount of function variants of embedded software: Fault descriptions as well as corrective measures more and more become specific per function variant. Fault and measure descriptions need to be configured per function variant.

Precise Diagnostic Trouble Codes and the instant availability of related information on corrective measures are a rather hidden product quality aspect. With an increased amount of software functions as well as an enhanced connectivity, the management and distribution of fault codes and related information becomes a key success factor for state of the art service performance.

Providing detailed fault descriptions in case of incidents together with the right measure and action plan significantly influences First-Time-Fix-Rates and therefore operating costs. Also, accurate fault probabilities and impacts are the basis for predictive maintenance.

Typical usage scenario

Our solution bundles usage scenarios across the lifecycle that are specific for Diagnostic Trouble Codes. Key objective is the integrated management of data. The following specific usage scenarios may apply: 

Requirements Engineering: Definition of DTC related requirements and assignment of planned software releases per control unit
Software Engineering: Retrieval of DTC definitions per software release and control unit
Diagnosis Authoring: Editing of diagnosis pages with fault data including change management 
Technical Publication Management: Managing fault related information like corrective measures per stakeholder
Translation Management: Management of translations on fault data
Operations: Retrieval of fault related data at event
Analytics: Analyze dependencies and risk profiles across your product / system portfolio

Features and limitations

The following features are provided: 

Centralized Code library for DTC – Diagnostic Trouble Codes – including classification schemas / hierarchy
Management of technical and related DTC data (root/detection/impacts/actions) with version and variant control capabilities
Requirements Management on DTC data: Define relevant codes and descriptions, apply baselines and publish to Requirements Management tools
Define desired / planned DTCs per Control Unit / Software Node as well as Device Software Package
Full version management capabilities to manage DTC variants / versions in relation to Device Software Packages
Supply DTC data to Software Engineering and Diagnosis Authoring
Manage risk profiles on DTCs and link DTCs to systems / components 
Analyze risk profiles on systems / componentes in regards to fault predictability, repairability etc.
Supply DTC data to Technical Publication Management
Cooperate with supplier / manage translations with external partners
Publish DTC data to operations: Service staff as well as customers
Import / Export of DTCs based on REST API
Role Management supporting approval & release processes with four eye principles

Customer specific integrations and extensions on request. 
Import / Export of DTCs based on ReqIF, IODD, ODX (on request, according to customer´s needs)


  • Mendix modeler version: 9.14.1


  • Available as Software As A Service 
  • Also: Installation on customer´s Mendix Platform


  • Application is ready to run including an out of the box role concept
  • Customer specific configurations can be applied if needed

Frequently Asked Questions 

  • Q: What license model is applied?
  • A: We offer an annual subscription based on the user roles.
  • Q: Does the application provide integation capabilities to a Requirements Management or Source Management Tool?
  • A: The out of the box solution provides already REST based APIs both for import and export of all data, Via a customer specific enhancement we can apply specific mappings to facilitate tight integrations in an easy and fast way. We offer integrations based on ReqIF or other standards. 
  • Q: If we do not prolongate our subscription, how can we get our data?
  • A: Our solution provides mass extraction capabilities based on REST APIs. You can retrieve all your data anytime. 


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.14.1
Release Notes: Initial Release