CLEVR DatePicker

Content Type: Widget
Categories: Data


One Datepicker to rule them all!

Next to all the standard functionality like a placeholder and input events this widget also supports:

  • Show weeknumbers
  • Disable/Exclude or Include days in the picker itself (specify exactly which days are available for picking)
  • Date ranges
  • Time picker in combination with a datepicker
  • Time only picker
  • Month picker
  • Year picker
  • Show the picker inline on the page

It also takes all the date formatting and language from the Mendix session and validation messages on the input also work correctly.


CLEVR DatePicker

Datepicker with more options than the default Mendix Datepicker


Next to the standard functionality like a placeholder and input events this widget also supports:

  • Show weeknumbers
  • Disable/Exclude or Include days in the picker itself (specify exactly which days are available for picking)
  • Date ranges
  • Time picker in combination with a datepicker
  • Time only picker
  • Month picker
  • Year picker
  • Show the picker inline on the page

It also takes all the date formatting and language from the Mendix session and validation messages on the input also work correctly.


Simply drag the widget on a page with a date attribute and attach it to the widget

If you wish to use the date range you will have to supply a second attribute which will store the end date chosen in the picker

  • Important to note that you cannot use a timepicker and the daterange at the same time.

The required validation and any other validation actions in nanoflows/microflows will work the same as with any other Mendix widget, just make sure you put the validation feedback on the normal date attribute and not the end date attribute when using ranges if you wish to display an error message.

Issues, suggestions and feature requests


Version: 1.3.0
Framework Version: 9.18.4
Release Notes: - Updated for mx 9.18 - Hide unused properties - Added functionality to show the datepicker inline on the page - Added functionality to provide a list of included dates (excluding the rest)
Version: 1.2.0
Framework Version: 9.12.4
Release Notes: Added functionality to exclude specific days
Version: 1.1.3
Framework Version: 9.12.4
Release Notes: bugfix setting initial date in edge cases
Version: 1.1.2
Framework Version: 9.12.4
Release Notes: Bugfix onchange event handler returning incorrect values
Version: 1.1.1
Framework Version: 9.12.4
Release Notes: Bugfix z-index in popups
Version: 1.1.0
Framework Version: 9.12.4
Release Notes: Added new pickers, multiple bugfixes and some other minor improvements
Version: 1.0.1
Framework Version: 9.12.4
Release Notes: Bugfix leaving enddate empty when not using a range
Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.12.4
Release Notes: Initial release