D2C Product Launch, Quote and Buy

Content Type: Industry Template


“How do we get to market faster?” is a question every insurer faces. Even the best new product ideas get bogged down by legacy systems and COTS solutions that limit speed at which an insurer or intermediary can launch them. At Mendix we understand that even with low-code, development capacity can be spread thin.

Why be completely dependent on IT development resources for launching your new products? This D2C Product Launch, Quote and Buy template created in conjunction with Capgemini allows business analysts can configure a new product easily themselves with little or no developer involvement.

The D2C Product Launch, Quote and Buy template shows how easy it is to configure a new product for launching to the market, plus setting up the quote and buy journey: this includes product configuration, ability to set up a customer or intermediary portal to revisit old quotes and policies, and an admin portal. The template has examples of several insurance products.

In addition, Mendix makes it easier than traditional technology to connecting and interoperating with external systems and services.  In these videos, see how applications built in Mendix are able to connect to two core systems in the insurance industry.

  • Here is an example of how an embedded quote and buy journey app for credit protection insurance was created in Mendix and connects with Guidewire PolicyCenter
  • In this example, an app made in Mendix for purchasing car insurance makes several calls on Socotra, from calculating the premium to binding the policy

Do you want to know more, get a full demo or discuss the roadmap features you require? Please contact us!
Or do you simply get started and go make it! In that case it’s available for download here.


The D2C Product Launch, Quote and Buy is designed to make it easy for an insurance company to launch a direct-to-consumer. As an administrator, the insurer will configure the products they want to offer to consumers. After the products are configured and made active, a consumer can go to the web app and step through the quoting and purchasing process. If the consumer gets to the point of providing their contact information but does not complete the quoting process, the application will send an e-mail that will allow the consumer to resume the quoting process. When a submission is quoted, an e-mail is sent to with a link that allows them to come back to the quote and complete purchase or edit it. Quotes are maintained in the system for 30 days.


Version: 2.0.1
Framework Version: 9.18.4
Release Notes: - added rule engine - added insurance package capability - socotra connector implementation - improved UI (less pet-insurance specific)