Menditect Test Automation (MTA)
Content Type: Solution
Menditect Test Automation (MTA) enhances the speed of Mendix app delivery to the business by removing test automation bottlenecks.
Menditect provides state of the art, Software as a Service Test Automation technology for Mendix apps with our unique “Direct Model Testing” approach.
Our product is being used by small and larger Mendix customers and helps Mendix developers and testers to remove bottlenecks in automating tests for their Mendix apps.
Demo url
For documentation, please look at the Menditect Documentation page. You can find our release notes, reference guide, how-to's and known issues on this page.
Version: 2.0.0
Framework Version: null
Release Notes: New Release with version : 2.0.0
Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: null
Release Notes: