Date picker with drop downs for Day, Month, and Year with dynamic selection.
- The order of the dropdowns is automatically sorted based on the current user's language settings, but can also be manually set
- Ability to control the format of the months (i.e. 2, Feb, or February)
- Ability to control the format of the days (i.e. 4, 4th)
- Ability to control how many years are selectable as an integer expression (i.e. parseInteger(formatDateTime([%CurrentDateTime%], 'yyyy')) - 50)
- Automatically changes the selectable days by the month and year
- Ability to use each dropdown individually (i.e. only select year, only select month and year...)
This section explains the effect of each setting for the widget.
Label - The standard Mendix label field. This will appear as a label for the group of dropdowns, not each indiviudal
dropdown. (See the "Date" label in the first screenshot).
Visible - The standard Mendix visibility field.
Editable - The standard Mendix editability field.
Date - The attribute that will get updated once the user has selected ALL of the dropdowns. Deselected any dropdown
will set the value as empty. For example, the user selects Sep 15th, 2015 then selects Year as the first value ("Year"),
it will update the Mendix attribute as empty and clear the widget.
On change - The action executed once the user has selected ALL the dropdowns.
Date order - The order of the dropdowns. If this value is left empty, it will automatically use the date format from
the project's language settings. You can also specific a format with 'm', 'd', and 'y' (e.g. mdy, dmy, or ymd).
Show Clear button? - Whether or not to show a button displayed after the last dropdown that the user can click to
clear all the dropdowns at once.
Use Month? - Whether or not to show the month dropdown. If set to "No", the widget will generate the date using the
month in the "Default Month" setting.
Month Placeholder - The default value in the month dropdown.
Month Display? - The format of the months that are shown in the dropdown. For example, if the date is in September,
the widget will dispay 9, Sep, or September.
Default Month - If "Use Month?" is set to "No", the widget will generate the date using this value. For example,
"Use Month?" is set to "No" and "Default Month" is set to 2. When the user picks a date, it will be set in March. (0 =
Jan, 1 = Feb ... 11 = Dec).
| Number | Abbreviation | Full Text | | :--- | :--- | :--- |
Use Day? - Whether or not to show the day dropdown. If set to "No", the widget will generate the date using the day
in the "Default Day" setting.
Day Placeholder - The default value in the day dropdown.
Day Display - The format of the days that are shown in the dropdown. For example, if the date is 3, the widget will
dispay either 3 or 3rd.
Default Day - If "Use Day?" is set to "No", the widget will generate the date using this value. For example, "Use
Day?" is set to "No" and "Default Day" is set to 10. When the user picks a date, it will be set as the 10th of that
| Number | With Suffix | | :--- | :--- | |
Use Year? - Whether or not to show the year dropdown. If set to "No", the widget will generate the date using the
year in the "Default Year" setting.
Year Placeholder - The default value in the year dropdown.
Minimum Year - An integer expression for the lowest year value. Use
parseInteger(formatDateTime([%CurrentDateTime%], 'yyyy')) - 100 for 100 years ago.
Maximum Year - An integer expression for the highest year value. Use
parseInteger(formatDateTime([%CurrentDateTime%], 'yyyy')) for the current year.
Default Year - If "Use Year?" is set to "No", the widget will generate the date using this value. For example, "Use
Year?" is set to "No" and "Default Year" is set to -3. When the user picks a date, it will set the date as 3 years back
from the current date.
Sort Years Ascending - The sorting direction of the years in the dropdown. "Yes" = 2019, 2020, 2021. "No" = 2021,
2020, 2019.
- In the General tab, select the date attribute that you want the user to select.
- Set "Show label" to "Yes" and type the name of the attribute the user is entering (i.e. Birth Date).
- Decide which dropdown you want the user to select and turn OFF any you do not want them to select.
- Decide the order you want the dropdowns to display and change the "Day Sort", "Month Sort", and "Year Sort" accordingly (i.e. Month, Day, Year would be Month Sort = 1, Day Sort = 2, and Year Sort = 3).
- Decide on the format for the Days and Months and change the "Day Display" and "Month Display" accordingly.
- In the Year Settings tab, decide on the range of years you want to be selectable and set the "Minimum Year" and "Maximum Year" as an expression of [%CurrentDateTime%] (this way the dropdown will automatically get new values each year). For example, use parseInteger(formatDateTime([%CurrentDateTime%], 'yyyy')) - 100 for 100 years ago.
- Also in the Year Settings, decide on the order you want the years to display by setting "Sort Years Ascending?". "Yes" = 2019, 2020, 2021. "No" = 2021, 2020, 2019.
Benjamin Griggs