STL Viewer

Content Type: Widget
Categories: User Interface


Used to display STL file documents in Mendix. This widget displays basic information like volume, length, width and height. The approximate volume, x, y, z and a B64 Screenshot of a 3D STL model can be extracted and stored in a variable if needed.



Used to display STL file documents in Mendix. This widget displays basic information like length, width and height. The approximate volume of a 3D STL model can be extracted and stored in a variable if needed.


Display of 3D STL model, calculate and store volume, display dimensions

rotating model dimensions of model

Development and contribution

  1. Install NPM package dependencies by using: npm install. If you use NPM v7.x.x, which can be checked by executing npm -v, execute: npm install --legacy-peer-deps.
  2. Run npm start to watch for code changes. On every change:
    • the widget will be bundled;
    • the bundle will be included in a dist folder in the root directory of the project;
    • the bundle will be included in the deployment and widgets folder of the Mendix test project.

Tested in Edge and Chrome. Works but throws errors in Firefox

Sources used:

Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0


Version: 1.0.2
Framework Version: 9.17.0
Release Notes: Fixed a mendix event issue in the base STL viewer
Version: 1.0.1
Framework Version: 9.17.0
Release Notes: Added the posibility to create a Base64 image for the use in Mendix, implemented an automated positioning of the STL Object and a detailed display of meassurements to the STL Viewer.
Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.8.0
Release Notes: first version of STL Viewer. This widget displays basic information like length, width and height. The approximate volume of a 3D STL model can be extracted and stored in a variable if needed.