Number Increment

Content Type: Widget
Categories: User Interface


Increment / decrement a number input with buttons on the side. Adjustable how much is added/removed at a time.



Increment / decrement a number input with buttons on the side. Adjustable how much is added/removed at a time.


  • Set the interval in which rate the + and - buttons update the integer.
  • Display an inputType string that may clarify which kind of number it is about (EUR, %, $, kg, cm, ...).
  • Set a minimal Number. The widget doesn't allow decreasing the values beneath this number.
  • Set a maximum Number. The widget doesn't allow increasing the values above this number.
  • Set the attribute that is being influenced through this widget.
  • read-only style (control, text).
  • Define OnChange action.


Add this widget to your page and adjust features as desired. The only required thing is setting the Integer attribute.

Development and contribution

  1. Install NPM package dependencies by using: npm install. If you use NPM v7.x.x, which can be checked by executing npm -v, execute: npm install --legacy-peer-deps.
  2. Run npm start to watch for code changes. On every change:
    • the widget will be bundled;
    • the bundle will be included in a dist folder in the root directory of the project;
    • the bundle will be included in the deployment and widgets folder of the Mendix test project.


Version: 1.0.2
Framework Version: 9.7.0
Release Notes: Update widget preview
Version: 1.0.1
Framework Version: 9.7.0
Release Notes: Update widget editorPreview
Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.7.0
Release Notes: Initial release