TradeDotGov Sanctions Search

Content Type: Module
Categories: Connectors


This is a module/connector to perform a search of the Trade.Gov Sanctions list using the Consolidated Screening List API.



This is a module/connector which will perform a search of the Trade.Gov Sanctions list using the Consolidated Screening List API. See

Typical usage scenario

You can use this connector when you are using your app to consider forming/continuing a relationship with an entity and need to establish whether of not the entity is listed on one of the U.S. government sanctions lists.

Currently the Consolidated Screening List includes records from:

Department of Commerce – Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS):

  • DPL - Denied Persons List
  • EL - Entity List
  • MEU - Military End User
  • UVL - Unverified List

Department of State – Bureau of International Security and Non-Proliferation:

  • ISN - Nonproliferation Sanctions

Department of State – Directorate of Defense Trade Controls:

  • DTC - ITAR Debarred

Department of Treasury - Office of Foreign Assets Control:

  • CAP - Correspondent Account or Payable-Through Account Sanctions (CAPTA)
  • CMIC - Non-SDN Chinese Military-Industrial Complex Companies List - Treasury Department
  • FSE - Foreign Sanctions Evaders
  • MBS - Non-SDN Menu-Based Sanctions List (NS-MBS List)
  • PLC - Palestinian Legislative Council List
  • SSI - Sectoral Sanctions Identifications List
  • SDN - Specially Designated Nationals

Features and limitations


All searches must include the entity name and can optionally include:

  • Fuzzy name matching flag (default is no fuzzy name match)
  • Sources to search against (default all sources)
  • Countries to search against (ISO 2-alpha character codes; default: all countries)
  • Address to search against (default: any)
  • Offset and Size (used for pagination of results)

Returned results may include name and alternate names, addresses, program names, place of birth, date of birth, citizenship and nationality.


Currently the connector does not include searching on the components of the address (city, state etc), not can you search specifying the entity type.




Add the connector to your app. A Marketplace module called TradeDotGovSanctionsConnector will be created.


You will need to get a key to use the service. Go to and follow the instructions for Subscribing to an API. Access is free subject to conditions. When you get the token then place it into the SanctionsRequest object each time you run a search request.

The following microflow actions will now be available in your app which will enable you to set up and configure a new search against the Sanctions API:

  • Create sanctions search request
  • Set name
  • Set fuzzy name matching
  • Set offset
  • Set size
  • Set full address
  • Add source
  • Add country

When ready call the following microflow action to execute the request and receive the results.

  • Execute TraceDotGov Sanctions Search


None known


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.8.0
Release Notes: Initial release