Image Markup
## Typical usage scenario
It can be used to indicate problems or identify locations on a standardised image.
## Features and limitations
### Features:
• Add points to an image
• Have grids to group issues
• Allow for color coding of problem areas in the grid
• Use a static or dynamic image
• Specify the Mendix object the result should be saved as
### Limitations:
• Currently there is no OnClick action when specifying a point
• A deafult Save button is provided, which commits the image as the entity specified in the configuration.
### Dependencies
• None
## Installation
Download from the marketplace and place on a page within Studio Pro.
## Configuration
To use a Dynamic image, place the widget within a data view containing the image.
Set the following:
### Properties:
• Image for markup - Set a dynamic or static image source to mark up
• Columns, Rows and Show Grid Lines - Set whether you want to display the Grid on top of the image
• Color markup - Show color coded grids to indicate marks
• Low Limit and Upper Limit - Set the limits for the color coding markup
• Object type - The Mendix object that the markup will be committed to on 'Save'
• Height - Set Mendix canvas height
• Context - Provide a parent entity to link the image created to. Please note that the association between the parent and child must contain the name of the parent entity