Pluggable Snake

Content Type: Module
Categories: Utility,User Interface


A new snake widget built using the pluggable widget framework. This includes a module to help you get the game of Snake added to any one of your applications.


Pluggable Snake


A new snake widget built using the pluggable widget framework. This includes a module to help you get the game of Snake added to any one of your applications.

Typical usage scenario

Add as a game for users to play, or as a secret Easter egg hidden within your application

Features and limitations


  • The ability to create multiple instances of Snake within the system.

  • Each instance of Snake can have it’s own leaderboard using “GameKeys”

  • Top 10 scores each month are stored and are viewable to all users. 

  • Controls, Arrow keys or [W][A][S][D] to move, P to Pause


  • No multiplayer… as of yet...


  • Atlas UI


  1. Install the module into your application
  2. Link the user roles under the module to the users you want to have access to the game
  3. Add one of the new game microflows to a button on any page you like
  4. If you would like to create a new game mode with it’s own score leaderboard, just be sure to assign a different “gamekey” number to the microflow that initializes the score.
  5. Have fun!


  • Width of game grid

  • Height of game gridSize of blocks on screen

  • Starting speed (number of milliseconds between movements, lower is faster)

  • Max speed (number of milliseconds between movements, lower is faster)

  • Speed rate (the number of milliseconds removed when a snake eats food)

  • Themes and theme toggle!


  • If you add the widget into a popup and that popups X button closes the page the user will have to click the game first before hitting space. Otherwise the popup will just close


Version: 1.2.0
Framework Version: 10.6.5
Release Notes: Updated for support on Mendix 10
Version: 1.0.3
Framework Version: 8.12.1
Release Notes: October image file name fix.
Version: 1.0.2
Framework Version: 8.12.1
Release Notes: Fun background for Halloween!
Version: 1.0.1
Framework Version: 8.12.1
Release Notes: Halloween theme added. Theme toggle added if the user wants to turn theme off before playing. The option to disable all themes is also added as a widget option.
Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 8.12.1
Release Notes: Includes pages for the game within a popup, and within a page. The leaderboard is shared per game key, and the top ten scores of every month are stored! Speed settings, game area, and game size are all available options!