Connection with Hubspot

Content Type: Module
Categories: Import/Export


This module gives you some tools to connect with Hubspot for creating, editing and deleting contacts and companies.



This module lets you connect with the Hubspot API.

This offers some microflows that you can use to connect with the Hubspot API. Domain model offers hubspot objects that you will work with. One of the most important is HpApiKey. Is the api that exists in a hubspot company account for making all the rest calls. Is recommended to create a start-up microflow to this value to this object.

So the module gives you microflows to create, delete and update contacts and companies. 

You can edit those microflows to change the close page activity to open another page or everything you want.

Typical usage scenario

It is typical to use this module when you want to create a project that needs to connect with hubspot.

Features and limitations



CreateNewCompany: this microflow allows you to create a new company. The company owner will be automatically the user that has created it.

DeleteCompany: you can delete a company automatically.

GetAllCompanies: get all the companies in a spacework.

GetCompanyContacts: get the company where a contact is working.

GetUserCompanies: get all the companies of the actual user.

UpdateCompany: change the data of a company and use this microflow to update that data.



CreateNewContact: this microflow allows you to create a new contact. The contact owner will be automatically the user that has created it.

DeleteContact: you can delete a contact automatically.

GetAllContacts: get all the contacts in a spacework.

GetContactById: get a contact by his own id.

GetUserContacts: get all the contacts of the actual user.

UpdateContact: change the data of a contact and use this microflow to update that data.


CreateNewDeal: this microflow allows you to create a new deal. The deal owner will be automatically the user that has created it.

DeleteADeal: you can delete a deal automatically.

GetAllDeals: get all the deals in a spacework.

GetUserDeals: get all the deals of the actual user.

UpdateADeal: change the data of a deal and use this microflow to update that data.


Other functionalities:

getCurrentUser: get the user data of the session.

getOwnerByCompany: this microflow gives you the user that is the owner of the company.

getOwnerByContact: this microflow gives you the user that is the owner of the contact.

getOwnerByDeal: this microflow gives you the user that is the owner of the deal.

getOwnerById: giving the owner id, this microflow gives you the User object with that id.


The limitation is the Hubspot API. All the data that is not in the API you need to create it by yourself.


  • The module has no dependencies.


It’s recommended to create a StartUp microflow where you create a HpApiKey object with the id of your api workspace. You can find that id into your hubspot workspace: Settings -> Account Setup -> Integrations -> API Key -> Active API Key.


This no need config or other modules.


At this point and version (October 2021) there’s no bugs.

Extra info:

All the info about Hubspot api can be found here👉🏽



Version: 1.1.0
Framework Version: 9.3.0
Release Notes: There are some updates with litle documentation in microflows to explain the functionalities of the module. Also some new little funcionalities to comlete the module package.
Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.3.0
Release Notes: First public version of the module