Groupbox buildingblock
This module contains a set of functionality to create a custom groupbox experience, allowing you to add all types of functionalities to the header of a groupbox. The building block can be applied in all types of views (listviews / dataviews) and makes use of a helper entity to store functional information (standard boolean available).
The groupbox building block allows the user to have the functionality of a groupbox, but fully customizable. The building block offers an header container for functionalities within the header element of a groupbox and a content container for all your normal content related information.
The building block offers a way to manipulate the functionality in a way developers are used to create functionality within the modeler.
It is recommended to use the dataview for showing your main entity and retrieve the groupboxhelper in a dataview above to make usage of information easier :) .
Header Area
Use the header area for placing information that needs to be shown primarily within the header of the groupbox. This can be extended with multiple parameters and/or functionalities. The action buttons allow you to add custom functionality to the header of the groupbox. Don't forget to add visibility and switching functionality to the + and - buttons!
Content Area
The content area uses the conditional visibility of the groupboxhelper to display and/or hide information.
Typical usage scenario
The building block is primarily great to use when you want to add buttons to the header of the groupbox, if you want to have input fields within the header element or any other idea that comes up on the drawing table.
Features and limitations
- Building block for the set-up
- Nanoflow for creation of GroupboxHelper object
- Flows for toggling the Open boolean
- Builder knowledge
- It is up to the developer to apply all information into the page, this package purely gives the user the tools to do so.
- Atlas UI resources for the styling classes
- these can be overruled if wanted.
- Create an entity for your groupboxhelper associated to the entity you want to view
- Apply a generalization to the GroupBoxHelper within the module
- Add the building block to your page
- Apply the datasource to the buildingblock to create the helper
- Apply the conditional visibility microflows to the + and – buttons to allow for toggling between states
- don’t forget to also apply conditional visibility to the content region
- It is recommended to use a dataview for the GroupBoxHelper and within that dataview apply another dataview to view the association object the groupbox is used for. This to make the usage easier for developers.
Play around with the set-up and feel free to experiment and reach out whit interesting features to be added!
- If you follow the installation, the building block should guide itself
- All elements within the building block can be manipulated by the developer.