Interactive Product Tour Template

Content Type: Sample


Description This application facilitates the process of a budget request. It contains three user roles: Requester, Approver and the Admin. The application is based on the approval template found in the create new app flow. During the Interactive Product Tour this template is extended into this application.



This application facilitates the process of a budget request. It contains three user roles: Requester, Approver and the Admin. 
The application is based on the approval template found in the create new app flow. During the Interactive Product Tour this template is extended into this application.

Typical usage scenario

- Evaluate Mendix by doing the Interactive Product Tour
- Facilitate the process of budget requests

- Requester can ask for budget
- Approver has an overview of the requests and can approve
- Admin has dashboarding on the processes running

- Very basic application

- Users can login using Mendix SSO
- Or login using user : mxadmin pw: 1 to try-out the app with demo users
- After start-up microflow will create some default budgets and departments

- none known bugs


Version: 2.0.0
Framework Version: 9.4.0
Release Notes: Updated template to studio pro version 9.04
Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 9.3.0
Release Notes: Created based on the approval app template.