Base application
Starting with Mendix is usually done using a blank template. If instead you use this base application in Mendix 10.18.3:
- You get to send emails without doing any setup;
- For your phone, you get PWA-pages setup ready to go, and basic Native pages;
- You get a lot of extra's for your application- and user management, so you need not spend any time on that;
- You get address and country entities implemented in the most complete and performant way possible;
- You get to switch between Demo user accounts, getting a feel for each userrole your team created, also on your test- and accp- environments;
- Your administrator gets to query your database using OQL;
- You get to run your images through an OCR-service;
- You get a multi-tenant environment for company functions;
- You get Invoice functionality: create pdf, send email, etc;
- You get Product functionality including purchase- and sales-orders;
- You get to play games like 2048 and tictactoe. Good fun and showing you React-addons at the same time;
- You get the Workflow-functions ready to go;
- You get more insight and control over your api-calls, which is a great help during development and testing.
And all that Out-Of-The-Box!
Persons and user accounts
A very intuitive administration of persons and their information like addresses, user-accounts, family-relations, socialmedia accounts and their roles.
And at the top right: your profile image telling you all about who you are, your userrole(s) and sign-out and password change buttons.
System management
An extended toolset for your system management, giving you more grip on the application, showing currently logged in users, and the number of objects in the entities that you want to keep in focus. Also:
- showing a system message to your logged in users.
- cleaning up old Anonymous users;
- adding a ‘persona’ to each userrole;
Base Application
A great starter application in Mendix 10.18.1 to build on.
Starting with Mendix is usually done using a blank template. If instead you use this base application:
- You get a lot of extra's for your application- and user management, so you need not spend any time on that;
- You get address and country entities implemented in the most complete and performant way possible;
- You get to send emails without doing any templates and very little setup;
- You get PWA-pages setup ready to go;
- You get to switch between Demo user accounts, getting a feel for each userrole your team created;
- Your administrator gets to query your database using OQL;
- You get a multi-tenant environment for company functions;
- You get basic invoice functions and datastructure;
- You get basic product functions and datastructure; Including purchase orders and sales orders;
- You get to play games like 2048 and tictactoe. Good fun and showing you React-addons at the same time;
- You get the Workflow-functions ready to go;
- You get more insight and control over your api-calls, which is a great help during development and testing.
And all that Out-Of-The-Box!
Persons and user accounts
A very intuitive administration of persons and their information like addresses, user-accounts, family-relations, socialmedia-accounts and their roles. And at the top right: your profile image telling you all about who you are, your userrole(s) and sign-out and password change buttons.
System management
An extended toolset for your system management, giving you more grip on the application, showing currently logged in users, and the number of objects in the entities that you want to keep in focus. Also: showing a system message to your logged in users.
Since this example contains all the code it needs, there are no dependencies.
(pre-requisite: Have Mx 10.18.3 installed)
Quickest way, using Mx Version Selector
- Click the button 'Download'
- Click 'Ok' to confirm using the Mx VersionSelector
- Select a new empty directory to place your app and click 'Ok'
- Start your app!
Also quick, but with unzipping it yourself
- Click the button 'Download'
- Select 'Save file' and click 'Ok'
- Unzip the downloaded .mpk
- Doubleclick the .mpr
Post installation
- If you want to use any of the location-, email- or other services in your live environment: Log in to your application as administrator (local with MxAdmin will do) and get yourself a consumer-account.
- Browse through the modules and remove whatever module you do not need.
Known issues
- module roles of module Company need improvement