Count Down Timer with Action

Content Type: Widget
Categories: User Interface


A Mendix widget to display a count down, that you can style. You also have the ability to model our own end message and fire an action. Full Documentation:



The widget uses a future date to count down too, and when done will display what you modeled. The widget will also fire an Action you can defined when the count down reaches 0.

Typical usage scenario:

To display time difference between a future time.


  • Counts down to future time
  • Can choose what digits to turn on or off.


  • None


  • None


Add an attribute of type Date-Time.
Model out what must be displayed once the count down is done.
Optional: Add Action to be called when count down is Zero. 


The widget exposes an exhaustive list of CSS class names that can be styled:

Full List see Here:

widget_countDownTimer__container –  Container Class Name (Wrapped Whole Widget) 

widget_countDownTimer__value - Value Class Name (Wrapped Value and Separator) 

widget_countDownTimer__separator - Separator Class Name 

widget_countDownTimer__legend-   Legend Class Name 

widget_countDownTimer__days - Days Class Name 

widget_countDownTimer__hours –  Hours Class Name

widget_countDownTimer__minutes - Minutes Class Name

widget_countDownTimer__seconds - Seconds Class Name

widget_countDownTimer__digit – Class Name on Individual Numbers


See here



Version: 1.0.2
Framework Version: 8.12.7
Release Notes: Upgrade for Mendix 9 and up
Version: 1.0.1
Framework Version: 8.12.7
Release Notes: Added displayDoneContent
Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 8.12.7
Release Notes: Initial Release