Azure Graph API Send email

Content Type: Module
Categories: Connectors


Send emails using the Microsoft Azure Graph API



With this module you can send emails form your application from a Microsoft account

Typical usage scenario

Sending “” emails from your Mendix Application using the Microsoft Graph API to inform your customer/employees. You can choose to use the Email Template module to create your emails or create the emails yourself.


- Send emails from a Microsoft email address. The email address needs to have correct settings/rights configured in Azure.
- Emails are send using API permission type “Application”, which means the user doesn't need to log in to Microsoft
- Send attachments
- Emails can be saved in Send items


- Not possible to send emails using API permission type “Delegated”


CommunityCommons (tested with version 8.2.0)


1 Download the module
2 Download CommunityCommons AppStore module


1 Download the CommunityCommons AppStore module
2 Make sure you have a Microsoft e-mail address
3 Add a new application to your, see how to do this here:
4a Add Mail.Send permission to the app, see how to do this here:
4b Make sure the permission you added is of the Type "Application" and not "Delegated"
5 Set the constant "DirectoryTenantID" equal to "Directory (tenant) ID" from the Azure portal
6 Set the constant "ClientID" equal to "Application (client) ID" from the Azure portal
7 Create a new secret in the Azure portal and use the "Value" field to fill the constant "ClientSecret"
8 (optional) Adjust the EmailSeparator to you liking
9 Use the Email_Send Microflow


Version: 1.1.2
Framework Version: 8.12.0
Release Notes: - In the JSON_Email I renamed the root element to email - In V1.1.1 the version folder showed V1_1_0, this is now correct
Version: 1.1.1
Framework Version: 8.12.0
Release Notes: Upgraded to Mendix 8.12.0, so it can be downloaded into Mendix 9
Version: 1.1.0
Framework Version: 8.6.9
Release Notes: Added functionality: - Bcc recipients are now available - InternetMessageHeaders can be added
Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 8.6.9
Release Notes: Send Emails using MS Graph API Send.Mail