Date Time Picker

Content Type: Widget
Categories: Data


Used for selecting the time and date .By default this widget will display the current date and time or value of attribute selected .


Date Time Picker 

  • Used for selecting of date and time 
  • By default this widget will display the current and time or it will display the value of attribute if attribute selected has certain value


  • User need to select the attribute .Only attribute who type is datetime will be there for selection 
  • User can also add custom format. Like if user want to display the format for eg 23/03/2021 he can add format as dd/mm/yyyy
  • User can also clear the output by clicking on cross button 
  • User can select the visibility options also as per use cases 
  • User can also select the editability  options as per use cases 
  • User can also add validations as per use cases 
  • User can also select events as per use cases 


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 8.17.0
Release Notes: Intial Release