
Content Type: Service
Categories: Communication


Simply send a SMS through the Vonage platform. Or get some insights on phonenumbers, a nice way to check id a given phonenumber exists. And offcourse, check your current Vonage account balance.



Use the Vonage services to send a SMSText or to get number insight on two levels (basic/standard). And you can retrieve the current Vonage account balance. 

Typical usage scenario

  • Do you need to send a SMS from your Mendix application? Use it as an extra channel to communicate with your customers. Or use it to send a secret code to your customer they need to use to identify themselve. The sky is the limit ;-)
  • Do you want to validate a phonenumber? Do you want to know the carrier of the phonenumber? Or do you want to see if it is using roaming of do you need to know if a phonenumber has been ported to another carrier? There enough scenarios out there!
  • Do you want to get the international phonenumber when you only have the country code and local phonenumber? You can!

Features and limitations

  • Send SMSText from your Mendix application
  • Get number insight on phone number. It has two levels of insight: Basic and Standard.
  • Check your current Vonage account balance.


  • None. No Java code used, just plain Mendix flows.


  • Import the module to your project.
  • Use the snippet SNP_SMSText_Complete to get an overview of sent SMS.


  • Get a Vonage account.
  • Get your API-key and API-secret for your account.
  • Use the API-key and API-secret in the constants APIKey and APISecret.


  • Sending SMS: SendSMSText
  • Basic number insight: GetBasicNumberInsight (free of charge!)
  • Standard number insight: GetStandardNumberInsight
  • Account balance: GetAccountBalance
  • See the examples in the examples folder.

For the NumberInsights options you can use a phonenumber in international format (+31600000000) but also a local format (like 06 00000000) in combination with a country code (like NL). A nice way to get the international format for sending SMS.


Version: 3.0.0
Framework Version: 9.18.7
Release Notes: Upgraded to 9.18.7 (Mx10 support). Readded this version, wrong MPK was uploaded.
Version: 2.1.0
Framework Version: 8.12.1
Release Notes: - Fixed demo pages. - Included demo pages into module, ready for testing.
Version: 2.0.0
Framework Version: 8.12.1
Release Notes: Compacted the domainmodel. Compacted the two Carrier entities to one entity. - Current_carrier and Original_Carrier => Carrier The new entity had 2 new associations - Carrier_NIStandardResponse_Current (this is the replacement for Current_carrier_NIStandardResponse) - Carrier_NIStandardResponse_Original (this is the replacement for Original_carrier_NIStandardResponse) Only used when using the Standard NumberInsight.
Version: 1.2.1
Framework Version: 8.12.1
Release Notes: - Fixed a bug when using a country code and a local number format.
Version: 1.2.0
Framework Version: 8.12.1
Release Notes: - Update to Mx8.12.1
Version: 1.1.0
Framework Version: 7.23.12
Release Notes: - Changed exception handling and logging in the insight flows.
Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 7.23.12
Release Notes: - Send SMSText - Get basic number insight - Get standard number insight - Check your current Vonage account balance.