SEO Sitemaps

Content Type: Module
Categories: Import/Export


A lightweight module which provides request handlers for sitemap.xml and robots.txt. Furthermore, it provides helper functions and a template implementation for setting up multiple sitemaps for an efficient sitemap strategy.



A lightweight module which provides request handlers for sitemap.xml and robots.txt. Furthermore, it provides helper functions and a template implementation for setting up multiple sitemaps for an efficient sitemap strategy.

Get Started


  • download the ‘Runtime Core Wrapper` module into your project.


When you open the module in the project navigation in Studio Pro you will find the _UseMe folder.

This folder contains the steps that need to be taken to set up the module.

  • Copy or move the reference implementation in the _UseMe/1. Setup/A. Copy Implementation folder to a new module and include (right click, ->include in project) the copied or moved documents in the project.
  • GetSiteMapXML, example microflow that returns sample sitemap.xml contents.
  • GetRobotsTXT, example that returns sample robots.txt contents.
  • SiteMapService, a published rest service template that specifies endpoints for multiple sitemaps.
  • Add the StartSEO Java Action to the startup microflow of the project.
  • Configure the robots txt microflow, e.g. GetRobotsTXT
  • Configure the sitemap xml microflow, e.g. GetSiteMapXML

Both GetRobotsTXT and GetSiteMapXML microflows should either return a String type or a System.HttpResponse entity object. Using the HttpResponse object gives you more freedom, e.g. adding additional HTTP Headers to the response.

Canonical Domain

To make sure you’re not having content indexed for different domains where the content is actually the same you can configure the CanonicalDomain constant.

The GetCanonicalDomain microflow references a java action which is not included in the module. This java action in available in the ‘Runtime Core Wrapper’ module.

Enable Multiple Sitemaps

To enable multiple sitemaps you need to utilize the Published REST Service SiteMapService which has to be copied to a newly created module.

In the StartSEO java action in the startup microflow you need to configure the microflow: GetSiteIndexXML. This microflow will return a site index representing the endpoints available in the published sitemap rest service.

Creating a microflow returning a sitemap

  • Create a new XML export mapping document
  • Select XML Schema
  • Find the Sitemap_0_9 schema and select it.
  • Configure the XML as mentioned in the documentation and map it to the entity that contains the url in an attribute.
  • Create a new microflow.
  • The microflow should retrieve a list of objects of which an attribute has the value of a url.
  • Add an export mapping activity and select the xml export mapping you created.
  • Return the value as an string and use the return variable in the end activity of the microflow.
  • Configure the newly created microflow in the startup java action or connect the microflow to an endpoint in the published rest service.


Version: 1.1.0
Framework Version: 9.9.1
Release Notes: - The configured Robots.txt and sitemap.xml microflows will have HTTPRequest entity objects passed, when the entity is available as an input parameter in the microflow. - Added the option to return a HttpResponse entity object instead of a String for the Robots.xml and Sitemap.xml microflows.
Version: 1.0.2
Framework Version: 8.17.0
Release Notes: Updated example 'get robots.txt' microflow.
Version: 1.0.1
Framework Version: 8.17.0
Release Notes: - Added content type 'application/xml' to sitemap.xml requesthandler response.
Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 8.17.0
Release Notes: Initial version