
Content Type: Module
Categories: Tracing


Easily convert markdown text syntax into beautiful HTML. Based on the flexmark library


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Check the github repo for detailed documentation

flexmark-java is a Java implementation of CommonMark (spec 0.28) parser using the blocks first, inlines after Markdown parsing architecture.

Its strengths are speed, flexibility, Markdown source element based AST with details of the source position down to individual characters of lexemes that make up the element and extensibility.

The API allows granular control of the parsing process and is optimized for parsing with a large number of installed extensions. The parser and extensions come with plenty of options for parser behavior and HTML rendering variations. The end goal is to have the parser and renderer be able to mimic other parsers with great degree of accuracy. This is now partially complete with the implementation of Markdown Processor Emulation

flexmark-java is a fork of commonmark-java project, modified to generate an AST which reflects all the elements in the original source, full source position tracking for all elements in the AST and easier JetBrains Open API PsiTree generation.

The API was changed to allow more granular control of the parsing process and optimized for parsing with a large number of installed extensions. The parser and extensions come with many tweaking options for parser behavior and HTML rendering variations. The end goal is to have the parser and renderer be able to mimic other parsers with great degree of accuracy.

Motivation for this was the need to replace pegdown parser in Markdown Navigator plugin. pegdown has a great feature set but its speed in general is less than ideal and for pathological input either hangs or practically hangs during parsing.

commonmark-java has an excellent parsing architecture that is easy to understand and extend. The goal was to ensure that adding source position tracking in the AST would not change the ease of parsing and generating the AST more than absolutely necessary.

Reasons for choosing commonmark-java as the parser are: speed, ease of understanding, ease of extending and speed. More detailed description in Pegdown - Achilles heel of the Markdown Navigator plugin. Now that I have reworked the core and added a few extensions I am extremely satisfied with my choice.

Another goal was to improve the ability of extensions to modify parser behavior so that any dialect of markdown could be implemented through the extension mechanism. An extensible options API was added to allow setting of all options in one place. Parser, renderer and extensions use these options for configuration, including disabling some core block parsers.

This is a work in progress with many API changes. No attempt is made to keep backward API compatibility to the original project and until the feature set is mostly complete, not even to earlier versions of this project.


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 7.23.0
Release Notes: Initial release