Data Widgets

Content Type: Module
Categories: Communication


Important note: This is a module not a single widget. The Data Widgets module, is a packaged module that contains the following widgets: Data grid 2, Gallery, Tree node, Filtering and Sorting widgets. This module also includes all the styling, design properties and building blocks related to these widgets. Data grid 2: The successor of the standard data grid widget for displaying content in a tabular form. It comes with many powerful new features and settings like support for widgets, row and cell coloring, responsive layout, accessibility and different paging options, like virtual scrolling. Gallery: The Gallery widget is the successor to both the standard list view and template grid. It features a new responsive grid design, usage of the same filtering and sort widgets from Data grid 2 and settings like support for conditional styling, paging and empty placeholders. Tree node: The tree node is a widget used to create a level in a tree UI. Multiple tree node widgets can be combined to create a tree view. The tree node widget is fully composable and comes with settings for animating and icon customization. Filtering and Sorting widgets: The filtering and sorting can be used across the data widgets of the Data grid 2 and the Gallery. Out of the box there is filtering for text, numbers, dates, and the option to add drop-down filters for single or multiple selections.


Please see Data Widgets in the Mendix documentation for details.


Version: 2.30.3
Framework Version: 10.12.6
Release Notes: ### [2.11.2] DatagridDateFilter #### Fixed - We fixed an issue where non-adjustable default filters were overridden by personalization settings. ### [2.9.1] DatagridNumberFilter #### Fixed - We fixed an issue where non-adjustable default filters were overridden by personalization settings. ### [2.9.1] DatagridTextFilter #### Fixed - We fixed an issue where non-adjustable default filters were overridden by personalization settings. ### [2.30.3] Datagrid #### Fixed - We fixed an issue where non-adjustable default filters were overridden by personalization settings. - We fixed an issue where the vertical scrollbar for column selector is not showing if data grid has horizontal scrollbar.
Version: 2.30.2
Framework Version: 10.12.6
Release Notes: ### Fixed - We fixed layout issue where right-aligned content is not aligned with the filter. ### [2.30.2] Datagrid #### Fixed - Fixed an issue where the refresh interval was incorrectly using milliseconds instead of seconds.
Version: 2.30.1
Framework Version: 10.12.6
Release Notes: ### [2.30.1] Datagrid #### Fixed - Fixed a layout issue when using "autofit content" in column settings. - Fixed a problem where the column didn't set its default value in the personalization if the column is hidden by default.
Version: 2.30.0
Framework Version: 10.12.6
Release Notes: ### [2.10.0] DatagridDropdownFilter #### Added - New set of settings allowing to make drop-down look and behave similar to combobox widget #### Changed - HTML is changed to meet modern accessibility requirements ### [2.30.0] Datagrid #### Changed - We have optimized some internal workings to improve export to Excel performance. - Column settings related to drop-down filter are moved into dedicated group #### Fixed - Accessibility fix regarding keyboard navigation and focus - Fixed issue with filters losing focus on refresh - Fixed issue with loading indicator not being displayed in some scenarios #### Breaking changes - Drop-down filter is rewritten with new, more accurate HTML for better accessibility, which may break existing CSS styling for projects using drop-down filter - HTML structure changed, which may affect some CSS and styling
Version: 2.29.1
Framework Version: 10.12.6
Release Notes: ### [2.29.1] Datagrid #### Fixed - We fixed the position configuration of paging button that removed on previous version. ### [2.11.1] DatagridDateFilter #### Fixed - We fixed an issue with range date filter working incorrectly in some cases. ### [2.29.0] Datagrid #### Added - We introduced a setting to exclude filters from being stored in the Personalization configuration. - We have introduced show number of rows for virtual scrolling and load more pagination mode.
Version: 2.28.2
Framework Version: 10.12.6
Release Notes: ### [2.28.2] Datagrid #### Fixed - We've stopped showing the loading indicator when all data were already loaded. The loading indicator was incorrectly displayed during client refresh operations involving a microflow.
Version: 2.28.1
Framework Version: 10.12.6
Release Notes: ### Fixed - We fixed an issue where css selector "--brand-primary" gets overwrite by datagrid. ### [2.28.1] Datagrid #### Fixed - We fixed an issue where Export to Excel was not working in certain cases.
Version: 2.28.0
Framework Version: 10.12.6
Release Notes: ### [2.10.4] DatagridDateFilter #### Changed - We improved type mismatch filter error message. ### [2.9.3] DatagridDropdownFilter #### Fixed - We fixed an issue where filters not able to set guid value for reference selector. #### Changed - We improved type mismatch filter error message. ### [2.8.4] DatagridNumberFilter #### Changed - We improved type mismatch filter error message. #### Fixed - We fixed an issue where onChange wouldn't triggered on empty or not empty filter. ### [2.8.4] DatagridTextFilter #### Changed - We improved type mismatch filter error message. #### Fixed - We fixed an issue where onChange wouldn't triggered on empty or not empty filter. ### [2.28.0] Datagrid #### Fixed - Fixed issue with xpath when widget has many filters. #### Added - We have introduced the loading state in Datagrid 2, so that the loading state is displayed on every pagination, filter search, or loading. #### Changed - We improved resizing behaviour of the widget. It is now saving personalization settings only at the end of the resizing. ### [1.13.0] Gallery #### Fixed - Fixed issue with xpath when widget has many filters. ### [1.2.1] TreeNode #### Fixed - We fixed an issue where Tree Nodes resetting it's collapse state while reloading data.
Version: 2.27.3
Framework Version: 9.24.0
Release Notes: ### [2.11.1] DatagridDateFilter #### Fixed - We fixed an issue with range date filter working incorrectly in some cases. ### [2.28.3] Datagrid #### Added - We introduced a setting to exclude filters from being stored in the Personalization configuration.
Version: 2.27.2
Framework Version: 9.24.0
Release Notes: ### Fixed - We've stopped showing the loading indicator when all data were already loaded. The loading indicator was incorrectly displayed during client refresh operations involving a microflow.