Advanced Excel
Advanced Excel integration. This enables writing of binary multi-sheet excel-files without the use of an office installation. Feature List: - Write of data-sets or single cells - Reading of each cell, interpreting different data types - Open an existing excel workbook - Create new workbooks - Manage worksheets - Manage style - Set filters - Convert list into excel object - Convert excel object into list
Create a basic Excel file
Use the Workbook_Create action to create a new Excel workbook.
You will need to provide the following input parameters:
- Workbook: an Advanced_Excel.AdvancedExcel object where the Excel file will be stored
Open an existing Excel file
Use the Workbook_Open action to open an existing workbook.
You will need to provide the following input parameters:
- FileName: This can be the path to a physical local file (probably only relevant in on-premise hosting) or a URL to a file. Set this to an empty string if you want to use the binary data option defined below.
- Workbook: an Advanced_Excel.AdvancedExcel object where the Excel file will be stored
Add a new worksheet to an Excel file
To add one or more worksheets to the Excel file, use the Workbook_AddSheet action.
You will need to provide the following input parameters:
- Workbook: : the Advanced_Excel.AdvancedExcel object that you want to add the worksheet to.
- SheetName: name of the worksheet.
Get Worksheet Name/Index
To get a specific worksheet Name/Index to use with one of the Worksheet_* actions, you will use the Worksheet_GetIndexByName / Worksheet_GetNameByIndex action.
You will need to provide the following input parameters:
- Workbook: the Advanced_Excel.AdvancedExcel object wherein the worksheet exists.
- Index: The index of the worksheet to find. Indexes start at 0.
- SheetName: The name of the worksheet to find.
The output parameter(s) for the action is:
- The index of the worksheet found (Indexes start at 0) or The name of the worksheet found.
Writing data to cells in a Worksheet
There are two ways to write data to the Worksheet. Both are described below.
Adding a list of data
When you want to add multiple rows from a dataset, you will use the Cell_WriteRange action.
Scenarios where you would use this action:
- Writing
You will need to provide the following input parameters:
- Workbook: the Advanced_Excel.AdvancedExcel object that you want to add the worksheet to.
- SheetName: name of the worksheet you want to work with.
- DataSet: The data you want to populate in the sheet
NOTE: The dataset should be a List of Advanced_Excel.Data type.
- CellFormat: Advanced_Excel.CellFormat object for the target cells.
Adding a single value or formula to a cell
To write a single value to worksheet, you will use the Cell_Write action.
Some scenarios where you would use this action:
- You have discrete values to write to a cell
- You have a dataset with multiple rows and columns that you want to apply different formatting to
You will need to provide the following input parameters:
- Workbook: the Advanced_Excel.AdvancedExcel Excel object that you want to add the worksheet to.
- SheetName: name of the worksheet you want to work with.
- CellRow: Row number of the cell to write to. Required if CellName not set.
- CellColumn: Column number of the cell to write to. Required if CellName not set.
- CellValue: The value to write to the cell or the formula
- CellType: The type can be one of the following:
- text (default if nothing specified)
- datetime
- integer
- decimal
- boolean
- formula
- CellFormat: Advanced_Excel.CellFormat object for the target cell
Read the value of a Cell
Use the Cell_Read action to read the value of any cell.
You will need to provide the following input parameters:
- Workbook: the Advanced_Excel.AdvancedExcel object that you want to add the worksheet to.
- SheetName: name of the worksheet you want to work with.
- CellRow: Row number of the cell to read from. Required if CellName not set.
- CellColumn: Column number of the cell to read from. Required if CellName not set.
- CellValue: The value in the cell, as text.
Delete a Worksheet
To delete a worksheet from your workbook, use the Worksheet_Delete action.
You will need to provide the following input parameters:
- Workbook: The workbook from which you want to delete the worksheet.
- Index: The index of the worksheet to delete. Set to 0 if using the worksheet name to delete.
- Name: The name of the worksheet to delete. Set to an empty string if using the index to delete.
Rename a Worksheet
To rename a worksheet, make use of the Worksheet_Rename action.
You will need to provide the following input parameters:
- Workbook: the Advanced_Excel.AdvancedExcel object that you want to add the worksheet to.
- Index: index of the worksheet you want to delete.
- NewName: The new name for the worksheet.