TS Audio Video Player

Content Type: Module


Deprecated in favor of: https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/110700

This widget can be used to play audio and video files using HTML5 Audio and Video elements. The widget can play three different kind of sources: 1. From a FileDocument 2. From an external URL 3. From a Base64 string


Demo url

Deprecated in favor of: https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/110700


This widget can be used to play audio and video files using HTML5 Audio and Video elements.  The widget can play three different kind of sources:
1. From a FileDocument
2. From an external URL
3. From a Base64 string

Typical usage scenario

You want to display audio and video files from different type of sources in a Mendix application.

Features and limitations

  • Does not stream videos from sources like Youtube.


  • Mendix Modeler 7.23.11 and up


Select the media type in the widget (Audio or Video) and select if the widget should autoplay. This is configured from an attribute.

For FileDocuments:
Drop the widget in a dataview that contains a filedocument. Thats all! No need to attach any other attributes to the datasource.

On the datasource tab attach the attribute that contains the source URL of the audio or video file.

For Base64:
On the datasource tab attach the attribute that contains the source Base64 string of the audio or video file.


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 7.23.11
Release Notes: Initial Release!