React Tooltip

Content Type: Widget
Categories: User Interface


Highly customizable tooltip/helptext widget for Mendix 8+



Highly customizable tooltip/helptext widget for Mendix 8+
Implementation of


  • Display of tooltip/helptext, either hardcoded or with context
  • Lots of customization options:
    • Positioning direction
    • Display in fixed position or under mouse
    • Trigger on hover/on click
    • Show/hide delay
    • Styling using theme or custom
    • Anything can be a trigger!


  1. Place widget anywhere
  2. Fill in unique "Identifier"
  3. Add tooltip text


  • Add tooltip trigger, will default to Bootstrap glyphicon-question-sign if left empty
  • Configure styling
  • If using advanced styling, fill in valid hex colors i.e. #FFFFFF

Demo project

See test folder

Issues, suggestions and feature requests

See here


Version: 2.1.1
Framework Version: 10.6.0
Release Notes: Fixed multiple lines
Version: 2.1.0
Framework Version: 10.6.0
Release Notes: Use class and styling from mendix
Version: 2.0.0
Framework Version: 10.6.0
Release Notes: Updated and reworked widget and updated dependencies ----BREAKING CHANGES---- Advanced styling options have been removed, can be added in css
Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 8.6.6
Release Notes: Initial release