Customer Onboarding
The Customer Onboarding app is designed to improve the customer engagement and process efficiency between agents and their clients. The B2C responsive web app helps register customers to their wealth portal, where they can manage their details, portfolio and documentation. On top of that, the app is integrated with DocuSign ensuring the whole process is digital and completely removes the need for physical paperwork.
Customer Onboarding
The Customer Onboarding app is designed to improve the customer engagement and process efficiency between agents and their clients. The B2C responsive web app helps register customers to their wealth portal, where they can manage their details, portfolio and documentation. On top of that, the app is integrated to DocuSign ensuring the whole process is digital and completely removes the need for physical paperwork.
You can check what the app looks like and get an overall impression of the look and feel here.
How to Setup?
To create your own version of the app follow the steps below:
- Find the app via the create new app flow
Create the new application
Edit in Studio Pro
Run Locally
Configure Docusign
Start onboarding
Configuring Docusign
If you wish to use the docusign connectivity you will need to follow the setup wizard contained in the app. Simply login as an admin using either the user switcher or MxAdmin password to begin the setup. It contains 8 steps to help walk you through provisioning your Docusign implementation.
Alternatively you can also manually set this up using the docusign configuration page found on the admin dashboard.
Explaining the Model
This model has been built to be easily extendable and contains a few core functions that all wealth management platforms require:
Wealth Management Module
This module is used to store and capture the customer's details. It contains the following entities:
- RegisterHelper - Used during the onboarding process to capture the clients email and password.
- Register - Used to store the details of share link used by agents to register clients.
- Activity - Used to store a history of all events that occur for a client. A complete audit history of changes to the state and data.
- Client - Used to store the information about the customer/client.
- Address - Stores information about the client/customers address details.
- Country - Used by the address entity to allow the customer to select a
- Occupation - This data allows a client to select their occupation from a dropdown.
- Score – This is used to hole the Credit Score obtained for the applicant.
- RequiredDocument - This document controls the rules around when certain document types are required.
- UploadedDocument - This entity is used to store the uploaded documents that a client has to upload during the onboarding process.
- Review - This entity is used in the review process for agents. Each client that registers go through a workflow to approve and review all of the documentation uploaded and details entered.
- VerifyDocuments - This entity is used in the review process for verifying the documentation and evidence given by the client.
- VerifyOccupation - This entity is used in the review process for verifying the occupation of the client.
- Note - This entity is used to allow agents to add notes to a client application during the review process.
- VerifyProfile - Used during the review process by an agent when reviewing the clients profile information.
- VerifyInvestigations – Used during the review process by an agent when checking the Score/Sanctions information.