Language Selector

Content Type: Module


This module is a ready-to-use 'Language Selector' drop-down widget which you can easily include in your application. The available languages are the ones configured in Mendix Studio Pro.

Don’t hesitate to contact me through Mendix messaging system or at “francois (at)”


Mendix "Language Selector" module

This module is a ready-to-use 'Language Selector' drop-down widget which you can easily include in your application. The available languages are the ones configured in Mendix Studio Pro.


  1. ACT__LoadLanguages microflow has to be executed each time you add / remove a language in Mendix Studio Pro ; either you set it as a startup script, either you execute it manually on your app; it will detect the languages you configured in Mendix Studio (System.Language entities), and create 1 item for each language. The code of System.Language ("en_US", "fr_FR"...) is copied in Language.Value attribute so you can change the label to use something more user-friendly. By default, the last 2 letters of the language code are retained.
  2. Just add the LanguageSelector snippet somewhere in your application (for example in global layout, so the user will always see it).
  3. If needed, you can add the LanguagesOverview snippet to your application, so administrators can update / delete / reload languages


  • Changing the language in the drop down will automatically refresh the UI.
  • The dropdown works with anonymous users too
  • Feel free to download the project from Github, there's a runnable demo inside
  • Depending on your version of Mendix (especially is you're using 9.11), the "page refresh" feature might not work properly. 3 different javascript actions are included in the module, so don't hesitate to test and override nanoflow SwtichLanguage to find the one which works for you.


  • Version 1.x.x : Mendix 8+
  • Version 2.x.x : Mendix 9+


Version: 2.0.3
Framework Version: 9.12.0
Release Notes: **Full Changelog**:
Version: 2.0.2
Framework Version: 9.12.0
Release Notes: **Full Changelog**:
Version: 2.0.1
Framework Version: 9.12.0
Release Notes: **Full Changelog**:
Version: 1.1.1
Framework Version: 8.18.16
Release Notes: **Full Changelog**:
Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 8.10.2
Release Notes: Initial release