Weather Connector

Content Type: Module


This module is a simple weather connector. It receives data from OpenWeather Weather API, which then can be displayed or processed into weather information forecast. Currently it can display weather forecast for current day and 3 following days. Note that you can only search for weather forecast for cities with this module.


Demo url


This app was created by Creatity s.r.o. An IT company specializing in artificial intelligence and low code. If you are
looking for Mendix related services  (to adjust this app or create a brand new one) do not hesitate to contact
us at


This module is a simple weather connector. It receives data from OpenWeather Weather API, which then can
be displayed or processed into weather information forecast. Currently it can display weather forecast for
current day and 3 following days. Note that you can only search for weather forecast for cities with this module.

Typical usage scenario

If you want/need to have a simple, reliable weather forecast in your app, you can download this module, and
after a quick set up (see “installation” bellow) you’ll have a convenient  weather forecast for up to 4 days
(current + 3 following ones).

Features and limitations


  • Mendix Studio Pro 8.7.0
  • AtlasUI was used
  • Application uses “Image Viewer” widget made by Mendix
  • OpenWeather Weather API used:


Every microflow you need to use is in the “Use_Me” folder. You can also just copy the pre-made dataview
from “ExamplePage”. Note that “ACT_Day_RetrieveToday” will retrieve information about current day’s
weather, “ACT_Day_RetrieveTommorow” the day after, “ACT_Day_RetrieveTommorow2” the second day
after and so on.


This module is configured to use metric units (°C, mm, m/s,…), if you want to use imperial units, just change
the end of location in “call REST” action in “ACT_Location_WeatherCall” from “&units=metric” to
“&units=imperial”. (Kelvins are also possible. For more information about what’s possible with OpenWeather

The API, from which this module takes data is limited by 60 calls/minute and 1 000 000 calls/month, because it
uses a free subscription. We recommend you set up your own account and get your own api key. Otherwise,
you will be sharing this limit with people, that also did not change the default api key in this module. Api key
can be changed in the “ACT_Location_WeatherCall” microflow.


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 8.7.0
Release Notes: First upload. Version 1.0