Dropbox Connector

Content Type: Module
Categories: Connectors


The Dropbox Connector allows you to access your Dropbox files directly from your Mendix app. The connector takes care of the authentication and gives you access to several useful preconfigured API calls, such as searching for Dropbox files/folders and uploading files to Dropbox directly from your Mendix app. For more information about the Dropbox API, see: https://www.dropbox.com/developers/documentation/http/overview.



The Dropbox Connector allows you to access your Dropbox files directly from your Mendix app. The connector takes care of the authentication and gives you access to several useful preconfigured API calls, such as searching for Dropbox files/folders and uploading files to Dropbox directly from your Mendix app. For more information about the Dropbox API, see: https://www.dropbox.com/developers/documentation/http/overview.

Typical usage scenario

Use the preconfigured API calls to retrieve your Dropbox files or folders. By authenticating and using the DropboxSearch snippet, you should have everything you need to find all your Dropbox content and use it in your app any way you want.

Features and limitations


  • An Api Explorer to explore and test all the calls that you can use
    • Search Dropbox folders and files
    • Upload file to Dropbox
    • Delete file(s) from Dropbox
    • View all files in a particular Dropbox folder
    • Create a new Dropbox folder
    • Revoke authentication for when you want to revoke your application’s access to Dropbox


  • Currently, there are no user management calls configured in the module
  • All the API responses are stored in non-persistent objects, while it gives you the flexibility to map the responses to your liking, it takes a bit more effort and time to process the information and store it on your app if necessary.


  • Mendix 8.7.0 or higher
  • Access to a Dropbox account and  a Dropbox app
  • Other App Store Modules
    • Deeplink
    • MxModelReflection
    • CommunityCommons
    • Encryption
    • NanoflowCommons


Dropbox configuration

  1. Create a Dropbox App on https://www.dropbox.com/developers/documentation/http/overview
  2. Get the App key and App secret, you will need those to configure access in your Mendix App
  3. Configure the redirect URI(s)
    1. For local testing, add http://localhost:8080/link/redirect/
    2. You can already add the accp/production redirect URIs as well.

Mendix configuration

  1. Download the Dropbox Connector and its dependencies
  2. Configure MxModelReflection
  3. Configure the Deeplink
  4. Add a deeplink called redirect and select the microflow ACT_HandleRedirect
    1. Select Include GET parameters, Separate GET parameters and Allow Guests
  5. Make the microflow ACT_DropboxConnector_ShowSetup accessible from the menu or on page
  6. Press Add credentials and fill in your Dropbox details.
  7. Authorise the created credentials, this will redirect you to Dropbox. After confirming it will automatically take you back to the Mendix app. 


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 8.7.0
Release Notes: First version of the dropbox connector, includes the following features: - Search Dropbox folders and files - Upload file to Dropbox - Delete file(s) from Dropbox - View all files in a particular Dropbox folder - Create a new Dropbox folder