A panel that slides in on a side of the screen, based on https://material-ui.com/components/drawers/. Can be used to e.g. edit content of the context object or place extra information. Note that not all other widgets can be used within the content of this widget. e.g. data views, listviews, template grids and tab containers are not possible.
- Show a drawer on a side of the screen (top, bottom, left or right)
- Set transition times for opening and closing the drawer
- Close or open drawer based on boolean
- Close drawer when clicking next to it
- Show Drawer: Attribute used to determine whether the drawer has to be shown
- Close on click: Wheteher or not to close the drawer when the user clicks anywhere on the page outside the drawer.
- On click action: Action to trigger when the user clicks anywhere on the screen outside the drawer.
- Transition duration enter: Time (in ms) it will take to open the drawer.
- Transition duration close: Time (in ms) it will take to close the drawer.
- Anchor: Where the drawer will be shown (left, right, top or bottom)