JSON To Tree

Content Type: Module
Categories: Import/Export


Have a nested JSON that needs to be imported? The JSON To Tree module helps you create a flat list of non-persistent objects that contain the nested JSON object, so you can import them using the import mapping. See 'Examples' in the module and have a look at the test-project


Demo urlhttps://treecreatortestapp-sandbox.mxapps.io/

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JSON To Tree Module for Mendix


You have a simple JSON that has a nested structure (children) and you want to import this into Mendix?

Java Actions

  • Convert JSON to Mendix Object Tree (non-persistent)

This will create a tree of non-persistent Node objects that each have a parent, and are bound to a Tree object. See Domain-model:


How you follow up with that is up to you. The module includes a few examples of how you can create a Tree structure. This is showcased in the test-project:


Libraries used

  • Jackson Core
    • Version 2.10.2
    • License: Apache 2.0
    • link
  • Jackson Annotations
    • Version 2.10.2
    • License: Apache 2.0
    • link
  • Jackson Databind
    • Version 2.10.2
    • License: Apache 2.0
    • link


Apache 2


Version: 1.0.0
Framework Version: 8.0.0
Release Notes: - First release