DocuSign Connector

Content Type: Module
Categories: Connectors


Do you want to let users sign documents? The DocuSign Connector allows you to use DocuSign’s eSignature API in your app. The connector gives you the flexibility to choose what type of signing (embedded or remote) you want to implement in your app. For more information on the eSignature API see


If you have questions about implementation, want to share your idea's for future versions or help others with their implementation join the Docusign Connector space:

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If you have questions about implementation, want to share your idea's for future versions or help others with their implementation join the Docusign Connector space:

Join here


The DocuSign Connector allows you to use DocuSign’s eSignature API in your Mendix app. The connector gives you the flexibility to choose what type of signing (embedded or remote) you want to implement in your app. For more information on the eSignature API see

Typical usage scenario

  • Send DocuSign Envelopes to different parties to sign via email through the eSignature API.
  • Sign DocuSign documents directly from your Mendix app through the eSignature API.
  • Embed a DocuSign Envelope in your app for users to Sign.

Features and limitations

  • Create Envelopes and Templates and retrieve existing Templates from DocuSign.
  • Pre-populate fields in DocuSign Documents using data from your app.
  • Send DocuSign envelopes to multiple recipients.
  • Save signed Documents in your Mendix app (when using embedded signing).


  • Mendix Studio Pro 9.18.6 or higher
  • Access to a DocuSign (sandbox) environment
  • Dependencies on other modules
  • CommunityCommons
  • JWT
  • MxModelReflection
  • NanoflowCommons
  • Encryption


  • Import the module into your app.
  • Import dependent modules into your app.
  • Assign the Module role(s) to the relevant App role(s).
  • add SNIP_Configuration snippet to a page accessible to the Administrator.
  • Create your own implementation module and use/copy items from the USE ME folder for your implementation.



  • DocuSign
  • Create a sandbox environment (for testing purposes).
  • Go to Settings → Apps and Keys → Add App and Integration Key.
  • Add an App and Integration Key and store it for later use.
  • Copy the User ID for later use.
  • Add a Secret Key and store it for later use when making use of Authorization Code Grant.
  • Add a RSA Pairing and store the private key when making use of JWT.
  • Add one or more redirect URI’s (e.g. http://localhost:8080/auth/docusign/callback for local

  • environments or [yourURL]/auth/docusign/callback).
  • Optional:  Create one or more templates for the documents you want to get signed through

  • DocuSign in your app.


  • DocuSign Connector
  • Fill in your User ID, integration Key, Secret Key, docuSign authorization end point and the JWT Audience in the corresponding constants.
  • Complete the Authentication and Authorise with the selected Authenthication Type.
  • If your users have a DocuSign account, you can use Authorization Code Grant and let each user sign in with their own DocuSign account. If your users don’t have DocuSign accounts or you want to integrate DocuSign in automated actions, you should use JWT so that all users can interact with DocuSign through the same account.

Create a Template

  • DocuSign
  • In the sandbox environment, go to the ‘Templates’ section.
  • Add a new template
  • Specify the recipients and store the ‘Role’ of the recipients for later use.
  • If you want to fill in fields using data from your Mendix app, store the name of the

  • field for later use.
  • Store the template ID for later use.

  • DocuSign Connector
  • When configuring the custom templates make sure that you've updated your domain model

  • reflection on the client side, otherwise no entities will be shown to select from.
  • Add a new template from the configuration snippet.
  • Add at least one Recipient and one Document.
  • If you want to prepopulate fields, add custom fields;
  • The entity with the data is the Mendix Object that holds the data you want to use to

  • fill in the field.
  • Please copy items from the Use Me folder and adjust them in your own module

Create an Envelope

  • DocuSign
  • In the sandbox environment, go to the Manage section. Here you can create an Envelope from a template, start with a new Envelope or start with a Document that you want to sign.

  • DocuSign Connector
  • there are examples of you can create a new Envelope, start from a Template or start from a Document in the SNIP_Configuration or the exposed microflow actions.

Request a signature

  • DocuSign
  • In the Manage section you can sign an Envelope or quickly upload a document to sign now

  • DocuSign Connector
  • When creating or opening an Envelope, you have the option to Sign Now or Send Now to either sign the envelope yourself if you are a recipient or send it to the recipients to sign.


Version: 3.0.0
Framework Version: 9.18.6
Release Notes: Breaking changes - Simplified domain model. A few plural entities have been removed since those are not essential to import/export mapping. - Changed module name from DocusignConnector to DocuSignConnector Changes - Upgraded to Studio Pro 9.18.6 for compatibility with Mendix 10 - updated exposed microflows
Version: 2.3.2
Framework Version: 9.6.14
Release Notes: - minor improvements -minor fix to error that occurs when trying to sign documents now - now requires Studio Pro 9.6.14 or higher
Version: 2.3.1
Framework Version: 9.6.13
Release Notes: - This version requires 9.6.13 or higher - small update to Custom Field validation
Version: 2.3.0
Framework Version: 9.0.5
Release Notes: - Improvements to Composite Templates implementation - minor security improvements - minor maintainability improvements
Version: 2.2.1
Framework Version: 9.0.5
Release Notes: - Fix for Sign Document now flow where creating the email subject caused errors because of the character limit -minor change to how active authorization is retrieved. Please note, the default implementation always tries to retrieve the authorization for the current user. If your implementation does not require users to authenticate to get their own authorization, you will need to adjust this default implementation. - added on change action to make sure the ClientUserId is filled when you manually link a user to an Envelope Recipient
Version: 2.2.0
Framework Version: 9.0.5
Release Notes: - Fixed an issue which caused the custom fields that were added to a template to get overwritten once you update a template - Added additional calls to retrieve the content of the documents of a template
Version: 2.1.1
Framework Version: 9.0.5
Release Notes: - fixed issue with JWT Authorization. You may need to enter your JWT Private Key again after upgrading this version if you are using JWT Authorization.
Version: 2.1.0
Framework Version: 9.0.5
Release Notes: upgrade to 9.0.5 Fixed issues with uploading documents minor improvements
Version: 2.0.2
Framework Version: 8.12.7
Release Notes: minor improvements fixed issue with adding documents to Envelope
Version: 2.0.1
Framework Version: 8.12.7
Release Notes: -fixed issues in import mapping -minor improvements