PDF Parser
Welcome to the PDF Parser module. This module provides a series of java actions to read the contents and read and change the metadata of your PDF file.
Check the demo application at https://pdfparser-sandbox.mxapps.io/.
This module implements the following getter methods:
- GetAuthor
- GetContent
- GetCreationDate
- GetKeywords
- GetModificationDate
- GetPageCount
- GetSubject
- GetTitle
The following setters are also included:
- SetAuthor
- SetCreationDate
- SetKeywords
- SetModificationDate
- SetSubject
- SetTitle
This module implements the PDF Box and Commons loggings libraries. The following libraries are included in the module:
- org.apache.pdfbox/pdfbox/2.0.18
- org.apache.pdfbox/fontbox/2.0.18
- commons-logging/commons-logging/1.2