Siemens Insights Hub SSO

Content Type: Module
Categories: Connectors


This connector allows you to utilize Siemens Insights Hub SSO.



See documentation in Single Sign-On





Version: 4.0.1
Framework Version: 9.24.17
Release Notes: * CVE fixes for used jose4j * Handle Mendix Kubernetes based deployments * Fixed some incompatibilities with Mendix V10.6.x
Version: 4.0.0
Framework Version: 9.24.3
Release Notes: MindSphere has evolved into Insights Hub, this is a rebranding release, which unfortunately have some breaking changes. Following breaking changes has been introduced: * MindSphereGatewayURL has been renamed to GatewayURL. If you update existing code base, Studio Pro will show you all places where you have used the constant value. Please adopt all changes accordingly. * EnableMindSphereAPIReverseProxy has been renamed to EnableAPIReverseProxy. Recommended migration path: * ensure that you select replace the existing module (do not import it as a new module) * rename module to "SiemensInsightsHubSingleSignOn" * Fix the error "The selected Java action 'SiemensInsightsHubSingleSignOn.MindSphereAccerssTokenConnector' no longer exists", by removing the action and reimport the "Access Token" action from the toolbar. * Goto project settings --> demo users and change the Entity for the demo users to "SiemensInsightsHubSingleSignOn.Account". Hint: Changing the entity requires enabled demo users. Once the change is done you can disable the demo users again.
Version: 3.0.0
Framework Version: 9.4.0
Release Notes: Add error page if number of sessions exceeds. Example pages supports new layout concept of Mendix Studio Pro V9.x
Version: 2.0.0
Framework Version: 8.18.0
Release Notes: Add support for Mobile Native apps. Add support to store the client secret of the application credentials for local development in your local environment. Add support for the app store Deep link module. New dependency to app store Nanoflow Commons module.
Version: 1.4.0
Framework Version: 7.23.3
Release Notes: Added redirect to auto registration of app to a MindSphere tenant in case no MindSphere access token is provided when launching the app.
Version: 1.3.0
Framework Version: 7.23.3
Release Notes: Added "Scheduled event access token" to toolbar for easy access Update MindSphereSSO-1.0.0-all.jar" with new versions of required libraries.
Version: 1.2.2
Framework Version: 7.23.3
Release Notes: Minor bug fixes on create tenant / api reverse proxy. Note: The styling of requesting application / service credentials for local development has been updated to Mendix V8.0.0. With Mendix V7.x.y the styling is broken but works.
Version: 1.2.1
Framework Version: 7.23.3
Release Notes: Bug fix: create a bundle MindSphereSSO-1.0.0-all.jar with all external dependencies to manage java dependencies applying shadowing "org" --> "mdsp_org". If you upgrade from a previous version please remove from your userlib folder the following jars (if they are not used by another module): * jose4j-0.6.4.jar * slf4j-api-1.7.25.jar * slf4j-nop-1.7.25.jar * org.apache.commons.lang3.jar Added new error-pages for rolemapping and publicKeyUrl issues. Note: The styling of requesting application / service credentials for local development has been updated to Mendix V8.0.0. With Mendix V7.x.y the styling is broken but works.
Version: 1.2.0
Framework Version: 7.23.3
Release Notes: Added new microflow "DS_GetAccessTokenForScheduledEvents". The flow could be used for scheduled events (to fetch a MindSphere token) - to fetch / write data from / to MindSphere. Local development experience enhanced as an expired token is automatically refreshed. The recommended workflow is, that you fetch a token during app startup with "AskForCredentialsOnStartUp = true". As with the automatic refresh now available the popup which was shown from the microflow "DS_MindSphereAccessToken" was removed.
Version: 1.1.0
Framework Version: 7.23.3
Release Notes: Update to Mendix version 7.23.3 Fixed bug showing wrong home page when working local with phone / tablet view. The bug fix depends on "Siemens MindSphere Theme Pack" (MindSphere_UI_Resources V1.1.0) Fixed bug showing Mendix login page Add support for service credentials Update icons of exposed microflows Breaking changes: * Changed name of the constant MindGateURL to MindSphereGatewayURL. Please note, if you upgrade an existing project, this could lead to error messages in your Modeler. Please go to each error and resolve it by changing the used constant name. * Microflow 'DS_MindSphereAccessToken' returns only a valid object if the value /access_token is valid, otherwise it returns empty.